A modern expense tracking web application built with Angular to help users manage their finances efficiently. Track expenses, visualize spending patterns, and manage budgets seamlessly.
This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.0.6.
To start a local development server, run:
ng serve
Once the server is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload whenever you modify any of the source files.
Angular CLI includes powerful code scaffolding tools. To generate a new component, run:
ng generate component component-name
For a complete list of available schematics (such as components
, directives
, or pipes
), run:
ng generate --help
To build the project run:
ng build
This will compile your project and store the build artifacts in the dist/
directory. By default, the production build optimizes your application for performance and speed.
To execute unit tests with the Karma test runner, use the following command:
ng test
For end-to-end (e2e) testing, run:
ng e2e
Angular CLI does not come with an end-to-end testing framework by default. You can choose one that suits your needs.
For more information on using the Angular CLI, including detailed command references, visit the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.
- 📝 Add/Edit Expenses: Log expenses with title, amount, category, and date.
- 📊 Visual Analytics: Interactive charts (pie/bar) to analyze spending by category.
- 🗑️ Delete Expenses: Remove unwanted or erroneous entries.
- 🔍 Filter & Sort: Filter expenses by date range or category.
- 🔐 User Authentication: Secure signup/login using Firebase Authentication.
- ☁️ Cloud Sync: Data persistence via Firebase Firestore.
- 📱 Responsive Design: Works smoothly on desktop and mobile devices.
- Frontend: Angular 16+, TypeScript, RxJS