This repository contains a netty-based connection provider for the jawampa WAMP protocol library.
Declare the following dependency for the jawampa-netty connection provider:
As this will automatically add a dependency on ws.wamp.jawampa.core
is it
sufficient to only add this single dependency.
To create WAMP clients that use the provider an instance of the
must be created and used in the
Additional netty-specific configuration arguments can be used by creating an
instance of the NettyWampConnectionConfig
class, configuring it and assigning
it to the WampClientBuilder
. This step is optional, default-configured
clients can also be created without advanced configuration options. However
e.g. proper SSL configuration will require it.
IWampConnectorProvider connectorProvider = new NettyWampClientConnectorProvider();
NettyWampConnectionConfig connectionConfiguration = new NettyWampConnectionConfig();
// ... set connectionConfiguration properties
final WampClient client;
try {
// Create a builder and configure the client
WampClientBuilder builder = new WampClientBuilder();
.withReconnectInterval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Create a client through the builder. This will not immediatly start
// a connection attempt
client =;
} catch (WampError e) {
// Catch exceptions that will be thrown in case of invalid configuration
In order to allow the router to listen on a port, accept incoming connections one or more Netty servers have to be started which use the router as their final request handler.
In order to connect a WampRouter
to a WebSocket server jawampa provides a
custom Netty ChannelHandler
that performs this job:
The WampServerWebsocketHandler
This handler can be integrated into the users HTTP pipeline and allows to expose
the WAMP router functionality under a chosen path like /wamp
The handler has to be inserted above the basic HTTP handlers like
and HttpObjectAggregator
(because it
expects to read an HTTP upgrade request) but below the users handlers which
might service HTTP requests to other pathes or provide other websocket on other
If the WampServerWebsocketHandler
encounters a websocket upgrade request that
targets the configured WAMP router path it will restructure the pipeline:
All handlers including and above the WampServerWebsocketHandler
will be
removed and other handlers that are required to provide WAMP functionality will
be inserted instead. These will transform WebSocket frames into WAMP messages
and forward them to the WampRouter
The pipeline transformation will look like:
+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+
| User HTTPhandler | | WAMP Router |
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
|| ||
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
| WampServerWebsocketHandler| | WAMP Deserializer |
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
|| ||
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
| WampServerWebsocketHandler| -------> | WAMP Serializer |
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
|| ||
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
| HttpObjectAggregator | | WebSocket Decoder |
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
|| ||
+------------++-------------+ +-------------++------------+
| HttpServerCodec | | WebSocket Encoder |
+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+
For use cases where the user does only want to quickly startup a WAMP router
without the need for exposing other HTTP and websocket functionality in parallel
a simply default implementation for a Netty websocket server is included, which
implements a standard HTTP pipeline that exposes the WAMP router on one path
and provides only a simply index.html page in parallel.
This implementation is available through the SimpleWampWebsocketListener
With this class a WAMP router that serves on all IPv4 interfaces on port 8080
on path and provides WAMP routing functionality on path /wamp
can be started
as follows:
WampRouter router = new WampRouterBuilder().addRealm("realm1").build();
SimpleWampWebsocketListener server =
new SimpleWampWebsocketListener(router, URI.create("ws://"), null);
To shut down the server both the HTTP server/listener as well as the the WAMP router must be shut down:
router.close().toBlocking().last(); // Blocks until router is fully shut down