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-Algorithmically Differentiated Library of a part of the standard library Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic 
-ADMSL is the Algorithmically Differentiated (AD) version of a part of the Modelica standard package Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic. 
-The underlying promising goal is to become the AD version of the Modelica Standard Library. This is where the name ADMSL comes from (Algorithmically differentiated Modelica Standard Library). 
-This library serves as a guide for illustrating equation-based algorithmic differentation techniques for Modelica libraries. 
-An algorithmically differentiated Modelica library contains everything the original version has together with parameter sensitivities. 
-The same models relying on that library can evaluates parameter sensitivities with few minimal efforts and slight changes. However these models preserve the same interface and outlook.
-It represents a testing platform for algoirhtmic differerntiation of Modelica libraries w.r.t.
-  * algorithmic methodologies 
-  * identifying current limitations towards AD of Modelica models  
-  * suggesting / recommending further potential language improvements towards AD of Modelica models   
-Release Notes 
-current release 1.0 
-r1.0 : 26.01.2014 - Algorithmic differentiation of some classes of the Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic   
-Copyright © 2013, Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Complex Energy Systems
-This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk;
-it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the [Modelica License 2](https://modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2).
-Atiyah Elsheikh (Email: Atiyah.Elsheikh@ait.ac.at)  
-Tested with
-Dymola 2014, Modelica library 3.2
-Please cite: 
-1- Atiyah Elsheikh, Modeling parameter sensitivities via equation-based algorithmic differentiation techniques -- The ADMSL.Electrical.Analog.Library,
-Modelica'2014: The 10th International Modelica Conference, Mar. 2014 Lund, Sweden, 
-2- Atiyah Elsheikh, Modelica-based computational tools for sensitivity analysis via automatic differentiation, Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2011. 
-3- Atiyah Elsheikh, ADGenKinetics: An algorithmically differentiated library for biochemical networks modeling via simplified kinetics formats
-Online version of the paper can be found here: 
-Bibtex source: 
-  author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
-  title = {Modeling parameter sensitivities via equation-based algorithmic differentiation techniques: The {ADMSL.Electrical.Analog} library},
-  booktitle = {Modelica'2014: The 10th International Modelica Conference},
-  year = {2014},
-  address = {Lund, Sweden},
-  month = {Mar.}

-author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
-title = {Modelica-based computational tools for sensitivity analysis via automatic differentiation},
-school = {RWTH Aachen university},
-year = {2011},
-type = {Dissertation},
-address = {Aachen, Germany}
-author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
-title = {{ADGenKinetics}: An Algorithmically Differentiated Library for Biochemical Networks Modeling via Simplified Kinetics Formats},
-booktitle = {Modelica'2012: The 9th International Modelica Conference},
-year = {2012},
-number = {076},
-series = {Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings},
-pages = {915 -- 926},
-address = {Munich, Germany},
-month = {Sep.},
-doi = {ecp12076915}
-Further contribution
-Further contribution / collaboration on the topic of algorithmic differentiation of Modelica libraries are welcome   
\ No newline at end of file
+Algorithmically Differentiated Library of a part of the standard library Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic 
+Atiyah Elsheikh [Email](Atiyah.Elsheikh@mathemodica.com)  
+See [my Profile](http://mathemodica.com/members/atiyah/)
+ADMSL is the Algorithmically Differentiated (AD) version of a part of the Modelica standard package Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic. 
+The underlying promising goal is to become the AD version of the Modelica Standard Library. This is where the name ADMSL comes from (Algorithmically differentiated Modelica Standard Library). 
+This library serves as a guide for illustrating equation-based algorithmic differentation techniques for Modelica libraries. 
+An algorithmically differentiated Modelica library contains everything the original version has together with parameter sensitivities. 
+The same models relying on that library can evaluates parameter sensitivities with few minimal efforts and slight changes. However these models preserve the same interface and outlook.
+It represents a testing platform for algoirhtmic differerntiation of Modelica libraries w.r.t.
+  * algorithmic methodologies 
+  * identifying current limitations towards AD of Modelica models  
+  * suggesting / recommending further potential language improvements towards AD of Modelica models   
+Further contribution
+Further contribution / collaboration on the topic of algorithmic differentiation of Modelica libraries are welcome. 
+Please consult [HowToAddComponent](https://github.com/AtiyahElsheikh/ADMSL/blob/master/UserGuide/HowToAddComponent.mo) using a
+a Modelica simulation environment.   
+Currenet Release
+current release is V1.1.0-alpha (Hamburg Release). Detailed release notes can be consulted [here](https://github.com/AtiyahElsheikh/ADMSL/blob/master/UserGuide/ReleaseNotes.mo) 
+using a Modelica simulation environment. 
+Tested with
+- OpenModelica 1.13.2 
+- Dymola 2020  
+- MSL 3.2.3
+* v1.1.0-alpha (Hamburg Release )   :   September 2019  
+	- Improving the overall formulation and working version with OpenModelica 1.13.0
+* v1.0         (Vienna Release)     :   January 2014 
+	- Algorithmic differentiation of some classes of the Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic   
+License V1.1.0 (Hamburg Release)
+Copyright © 2019, Mathemodica.com
+This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk;
+it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the [3-BSD License of Modelica Association](https://www.modelica.org/licenses/modelica-3-clause-bsd).
+License V1.0 (Vienna Release) 
+Copyright © 2013, Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Complex Energy Systems
+This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk;
+it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the [Modelica License 2](https://modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2).
+* Atiyah Elsheikh, Dynamic Parameter Sensitivities: Summary of computation methods for continuous-time Modelica models, Modelica'2019: The 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg, Germany, 2019
+* Atiyah Elsheikh, Modeling parameter sensitivities via equation-based algorithmic differentiation techniques: The ADMSL.Electrical.Analog.Library, Modelica'2014: The 10th International Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2014
+* Atiyah Elsheikh, Modelica-based computational tools for sensitivity analysis via automatic differentiation, Dissertation, RWTH Aachen university, 2013. 
+* Atiyah Elsheikh, ADGenKinetics: An algorithmically differentiated library for biochemical networks modeling via simplified kinetics formats, Modelica'2012, Munich, Germany, 2012  
+Online versions of the paper can be found here: 
+Bibtex sources 
+author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
+title = {{Dynamic Parameter Sensitivities: Summary of computation methods for continuous-time Modelica models}},
+booktitle = {Modelica'2019: The 13th International Modelica Conference},
+year = {2019},
+address = {Regensburg, Germany},
+month = {Mar.},
+author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
+title = {Modeling parameter sensitivities via equation-based algorithmic differentiation techniques: The {ADMSL.Electrical.Analog} library},
+booktitle = {Modelica'2014: The 10th International Modelica Conference},
+year = {2014},
+address = {Lund, Sweden},
+month = {Mar.}
+author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
+title = {Modelica-based computational tools for sensitivity analysis via automatic differentiation},
+school = {RWTH Aachen university},
+year = {2013},
+type = {Dissertation},
+address = {Aachen, Germany}
+author = {Atiyah Elsheikh},
+title = {{ADGenKinetics}: An Algorithmically Differentiated Library for Biochemical Networks Modeling via Simplified Kinetics Formats},
+booktitle = {Modelica'2012: The 9th International Modelica Conference},
+year = {2012},
+number = {076},
+series = {Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings},
+pages = {915 -- 926},
+address = {Munich, Germany},
+month = {Sep.},
+doi = {ecp12076915}