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File metadata and controls

166 lines (123 loc) · 8.2 KB


This package can be installed from PyPI, or by cloning the repository, depending on your use-case.

  1. To use the optimade Python package as a library, (e.g., using the models for validation, parsing filters with the grammar, or using the command-line tool optimade-validator tool), it is recommended that you install the latest release of the package from PyPI with pip install optimade. If you also want to use the OPTIMADE client to query OPTIMADE APIs, you should install with the additional dependencies: pip install optimade[http_client].
  2. If you want to run, use or modify the reference server implementation, then it is recommended that you clone this repository and install it from your local files (with pip install ., or pip install -e . for an editable installation). As an alternative, you can run the optimade container image (see the Container image section below).

The index meta-database

This package may be used to setup and run an OPTIMADE index meta-database. Clone this repository and install the package locally with pip install -e .[server].

!!! info To avoid installing anything locally and instead use the docker image, please see the section Container image below.

There is a built-in index meta-database set up to populate a mongomock in-memory database with resources from a static json file containing the child resources you, as a database provider, want to serve under this index meta-database. The location of that json file is controllable using the index_links_path property of the configuration or setting via the environment variable optimade_index_links_path.

Running the index meta-database is then as simple as writing ./ index in a terminal from the root of this package. You can find it at the base URL: http://localhost:5001/v1.

Here is an example of how it may look to start your server:

export OPTIMADE_CONFIG_FILE=/home/optimade_server/config.json
./path/to/optimade/ index

Full development installation

The dependencies of this package can be found in with their latest supported versions. By default, a minimal set of requirements are installed to work with the filter language and the pydantic models. After cloning the repository, the install mode server (i.e. pip install .[server]) is sufficient to run a uvicorn server using the mongomock backend (or MongoDB with pymongo, if present). The suite of development and testing tools are installed with via the install modes dev and testing. There are additionally two backend-specific install modes, elastic and mongo, as well as the all mode, which installs all dependencies. All contributed Python code, must use the black code formatter, and must pass the flake8 linter that is run automatically on all PRs.

# Clone this repository to your computer
git clone --recursive [email protected]:Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools.git
cd optimade-python-tools

# Ensure a Python>=3.8 (virtual) environment (example below using Anaconda/Miniconda)
conda create -n optimade python=3.10
conda activate optimade

# Install package and dependencies in editable mode (including "dev" requirements).
pip install -e ".[dev]"

# Optional: Retrieve the list of OPTIMADE providers. (Without this submodule, some of the tests will fail because "providers.json" cannot be found.)
git submodule update --init

# Run the tests with pytest

# Install pre-commit environment (e.g., auto-formats code on `git commit`)
pre-commit install

# Optional: Install MongoDB (and set `database_backend = mongodb`)
# Below method installs in conda environment and
# - starts server in background
# - ensures and uses ~/dbdata directory to store data
conda install -c anaconda mongodb
mkdir -p ~/dbdata && mongod --dbpath ~/dbdata --syslog --fork

# Start a development server (auto-reload on file changes at http://localhost:5000
# You can also execute ./
uvicorn optimade.server.main:app --reload --port 5000

# View auto-generated docs
open http://localhost:5000/docs
# View Open API Schema
open http://localhost:5000/openapi.json

When developing, you can run both the server and an index meta-database server at the same time (from two separate terminals). Running the following:

./ index
# or
uvicorn optimade.server.main_index:app --reload --port 5001

will run the index meta-database server at http://localhost:5001/v1.

Testing specific backends

In order to run the test suite for a specific backend, the OPTIMADE_DATABASE_BACKEND environment variable (or config option) can be set to one of 'mongodb', 'mongomock' or 'elastic' (see [ServerConfig.database_backend][optimade.server.config.ServerConfig.database_backend]). Tests for the two "real" database backends, MongoDB and Elasticsearch, require a writable, temporary database to be accessible.

The easiest way to deploy these databases and run the tests is with Docker, as shown below. Docker installation instructions will depend on your system; on Linux, the docker commands below may need to be prepended with sudo, depending on your distribution. These commands should be run from a local optimade-python-tools directory.

The following command starts a local Elasticsearch v7 instance, runs the test suite, then stops and deletes the containers (required as the tests insert some data):

docker run -d --name elasticsearch_test -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "" elasticsearch:7.17.7 \
&& sleep 20 \
&& OPTIMADE_DATABASE_BACKEND="elastic" py.test; \
docker container stop elasticsearch_test; docker container rm elasticsearch_test

The following command starts a local MongoDB instance, runs the test suite, then stops and deletes the containers:

docker run -d --name mongo_test -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:4.4.6 \
&& OPTIMADE_DATABASE_BACKEND="mongodb" py.test; \
docker container stop mongo_test; docker container rm mongo_test

Container image

Retrieve the image

The optimade container image is available from the GitHub Container registry. To pull the latest version using Docker run the following:

docker pull

!!! note The tag, :latest, can be left out, as the latest version will be pulled by default.

If you'd like to pull a specific version, this can be done by replacing latest in the command above with the version of choice, e.g., 0.17.1. To see which versions are available, please go here.

You can also install the develop version. This is an image built from the latest commit on the main branch and should never be used for production.

Run a container

When starting a container from the image there are a few choices. It is possible to run either a standard OPTIMADE server, or an index meta-database server from this image. Note, these servers can be run in separate containers at the same time. The key is setting the environment variable MAIN.

MAIN Result
main Standard OPTIMADE server.
main_index Index meta-database OPTIMADE server.

Using Docker, the following command will run a container from the image:

# rm will remove container when it exits.
# detach will run the server in the background.
# publish will run the server from the host port 8080.
# name will give the container a handy name for referencing later.
docker run \
    --rm \
    --detach \
    --publish 8080:5000 \
    --env MAIN=main \
    --name my-optimade \

The server should now be available at localhost:8080.