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Gnohz Gniy edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 22 revisions


MarkEdit is a free and open-source Markdown editor, for macOS. It's just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown.

Why Markdown

Surely, we have tons of Markdown apps, why bother making a new one? Please check out Why MarkEdit.


MarkEdit is an opinionated app, please check out the philosophy section regarding the design and values behind the app.


MarkEdit doesn't support exporting Markdown files to other formats, such as PDF or Microsoft Word. Instead, you can copy Pandoc commands in MarkEdit, and paste them into Terminal in order to execute.

The reason behind this is that we cannot do any better than Pandoc, if you write Markdown on macOS, you should really check it out: Pandoc.

For detailed usage of Pandoc, please refer to their official user manual.

Last But Not the Least

The code of MarkEdit is free to use anywhere, in any form, with or without modifications, you don't need to let us know but we appreciate it if you could also contribute back to the community.

Hope you find this project useful and find your inner peace.


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