Thanks for asking this question! However, without more information, Team Nokogiri cannot reproduce your issue, and so we cannot offer much help.
Please provide us with:
A self-contained script (one that we can run without modification, and preferably without making external network connections).
Please note that you need to include the XML/HTML that you are operating on.
The output of
nokogiri -v
, which will provide details about your platform and versions of ruby, libxml2 and nokogiri.
For more information about requesting help or reporting bugs, please take a look at http://bit.ly/nokohelp
Thank you so much!
Thanks for asking this question! Your request for help will not go unanswered!
However, Nokogiri's Github Issues is reserved for reporting bugs or submitting patches. If you ask your question on the mailing list, Team Nokogiri promises someone will provide you with an answer in a timely manner.
If you'd like to read up on Team Nokogiri's rationale for this policy, please go to http://bit.ly/nokohelp.
Thank you so much for understanding! And thank you for using Nokogiri.