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Voxeland: Probabilistic Instance-Aware Semantic Mapping with Evidence-based Uncertainty Quantification

Jose-Luis Matez-Bandera1, Pepe Ojeda1, Javier Monroy1, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez1 and Jose-Raul Ruiz-Sarmiento1

1 Machine Perception and Intelligent Robotics (MAPIR) Group,
Malaga Institute for Mechatronics Engineering and Cyber-Physical Systems (IMECH.UMA).
University of Malaga. Spain.


Citation   Voxeland   Features   Installation    Parameters    Usage


  author={Matez-Bandera, Jose-Luis and Ojeda, Pepe and Monroy, Javier and Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier and Ruiz-Sarmiento, Jose-Raul},
  journal={Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, 
  title={Voxeland: Probabilistic Instance-Aware Semantic Mapping with Evidence-based Uncertainty Quantification}, 
  note={Submitted and under review}}


Voxeland is a library for semantic mapping in voxelized worlds. It supports both dense semantics and instance-aware mapping, and is able to provide uncertainty estimations for the category labels and instance segmentation per voxel. It is designed to be used through a ROS2 node, and get new observations on-line through topics.

It is based on the excellent Bonxai library, and relies on much of its code for storing and manipulating volumetric data.




Move to your colcon workspace and run:

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:MAPIRlab/Voxeland.git src/voxeland

This will download the code for voxeland and some third party libraries. You will also need the segmentation_msgs package, available here.

Once you have everything downloaded, compile with colcon build --symlink-install as usual.


Voxeland (Launch file)

<param name="resolution" value="0.05" />                  # voxel size (in meters)
<param name="frame_id" value="map" />                     # frame_ID of the map (typically, it is "map")          
<param name="sensor_model.max_range" value="4.0" />       # maximum range of the ray to integrate information
<param name="use_height_map" value="true" />              # Publish Height colormap on Resulting VoxelGrid
<param name="semantics_as_instances" value="true" />      # Set true if considering instances in the semantic map (as explained in Voxeland's paper).

Voxeland Robot Perception (Launch file)

<!-- Dataset and Object Detector info -->
  <param name="dataset" value="other" />                          # Dataset name, to be used in modules/ to standarize input data.
  <param name="object_detector" value="Detectron2" />             # Object detector name, to be used in modules/ to standarize semantics.

<!-- Topics and Services -->
  <param name="topic_camera_info" value="/camera/camera_info" />  # Name of the topic where camera intrinsics is published (camera_info). Only necessary if intrisincs_from_topic is true.
  <param name="topic_rgb_image" value="/camera/rgb" />            # Name of the RGB images topic.
  <param name="topic_depth_image" value="/camera/depth" />        # Name of the depth images topic.
  <param name="topic_localization" value="/pose" />               # Name of the PoseWithCovarianceStamped messages topic.

<param name="semantic_segmentation_mode" value="service" />		    # Possible values: "topic" or "service", depending how the object detection method works
  <param name="service_sem_seg" value="/detectron/segment" />	    # Service name for semantic segmentation. Used if semantic_segmentation_mode="service"
  <param name="topic_sem_seg" value="/ViMantic/Detections" />	    # Topic name for semantic segmentation. Used if semantic_segmentation_mode="topic"

<!-- Images Messages Types -->
  <param name="rgb_image_type" value="Image" />                   # Possible values: "CompressedImage" or "Image", depending on the message type of the topic_rgb_image
  <param name="depth_image_type" value="Image" />                 # Possible values: "CompressedImage" or "Image", depending on the message type of the topic_depth_image

<!-- RGB-D Camera Info -->
  <param name="intrinsics_from_topic" value="true" />             # True if intrinsics published in the camera_info topic, otherwise, set to False and set intrinsics manually.
    <param name="width" value="1920" />
    <param name="height" value="1080" />
    <param name="cx" value="959.5" />
    <param name="cy" value="539.5" />
    <param name="fx" value="1371.022" />
    <param name="fy" value="1371.022" />
  <param name="camera_max_depth" value="10.0" />

<param name="limit_reliable_depth" value="true" />               # Set to true to limit the maximum reliable data from depth sensor.
<param name="min_reliable_depth" value="0.01" />                 # Minimum depth to accept points.
<param name="max_reliable_depth" value="3.00" />                 # Maximum depth to accept points.

<!-- Frame IDs -->
  <param name="map_frame_id" value="map" />                      # Map frame id
  <param name="robot_frame_id" value="camera" />                 # Robot frame id (if exists, otherwise, set equal to camera frame id)
  <param name="camera_frame_id" value="camera" />                # Camera frame id

<!-- Output configuration -->
  <param name="pointcloud_type" value="XYZRGBSemantics" />			 # Possible values: "XYZ", "XYZRGB", "XYZSemantics" and "XYZRGBSemantics".
  <param name="topic_pointcloud_output" value="cloud_in" />      # Topic where the processed PointCloud2 is published, and from which Voxeland will use as input for the mapping.  


First, run the instance segmentation network (e.g., Mask R-CNN). A ROS2 implementation can be found at: Detectron2. To run detectron2 framework:

ros2 run detectron2 detectron2_ros_node

Next, run the robot perception node as follows:

ros2 launch voxeland_robot_perception generic_semantic_mapping.launch.xml

Finally, execute Voxeland to start the mapping session:

ros2 launch voxeland bonxai_mapping.launch.xml

(Now, everything is ready for the semantic mapping session, as soon as you play your dataset.)