Releases: Loop3D/LoopStructural
Releases · Loop3D/LoopStructural
1.5.12 (2024-03-05)
Bug Fixes
- adding imports back into init file (b1d2ba9)
- adding pyproject.toml (474101c)
- bounding box can be defined from max, origin or nsteps + step vector (a8d364c)
- change pyvista property to vtk (8277304)
- exposing interpolator api in module import (59e4f7c)
- if interpolator results in 0, still set up to date (6f18788)
- make rotation work with array of axis and angle (72f7744)
- making code compatible with linter (716038e)
- mapping interpolators to cythonless version (e755c29)
- moving interpolator api (2e1b008)
- pyproject.toml missing modules (4a4bf92)
- Removing cython dependency (#168) (21e5572)
- rename grad stepness to remove _ (e8a7877)
- return axis and angle for movement of fault points (48e6261)
- scaling fault normal by minor axis (ac99448)
- under constrained faults now work (50a04af)
- unstructured tetra only take first 4 elements (4673bbc)
- updating design and contributors guide (e10c7bc)
1.5.11 (2023-12-03)
Bug Fixes
- 🎨 moving get interpolator out of geologicalmodel (3f52950)
- 🐛 add default solver to discrete interpolator (3b93f7f)
- 🐛 evalute changed to evaluate (4e93caf)
- 🐛 return a as array not transpose (46e9edf)
- ✨ adding interpolator factory (245517b)
- ✨ adding support factory (c3ec7a8)
- ✨ adding support type enum (82c0bd5)
- ✨ bounding box object (75941f0)
- ✨ new api for accessing interpolation for a single scalar field (5bca235)
- ✨ transformation object (48e6c32)
- add logger to surface (8fcf89c)
- adding a factory method to create an interpolator (8aba4bd)
- adding api module (7ab7c07)
- adding datatypes module (2102c72)
- adding example execution time to git ignore (7ac99d3)
- adding exception if nsteps=0 or <0 (0940c55)
- adding fixture for bb and interpolatortype (2a3e84e)
- adding isovalue to surfaces created by isosurfacer (754541f)
- adding mesa (7f0fb94)
- adding nsteps to bb (82e4dac)
- adding placeholder for interpolate api (f9709b5)
- adding surface data type for storing triangular surfaces (0d383cf)
- adding surfacer (47c390d)
- adding test to bb (485f084)
- bug with size of constraints array (66a9825)
- change to interpolation factory (91bcbed)
- Check for empty features and escape early (083a195)
- create folded fold frame using updated code (7e1db31)
- Ensure modifications to data frame are on a copy of that frame (ed61243)
- fixing lavavu version (57f649b)
- fixing python 3.10 for docs (6ea4d84)
- flake8 (9ef0081)
- flake8 error (a37fec2)
- formatting (8175437)
- init file for datatypes (7f1f62a)
- isinside and init with list (0ff6735)
- manually incrementing version (4229d6a)
- move create interpolator to feature builders (1c01bdd)
- moving get interpolator to separate function (2790d76)
- osmesa (54595cb)
- pypi only on release (619557b)
- relocating bounding box (8b18eb2)
- removing calculate pairs from dsi (e35003c)
- removing print property values from lavavu (306793c)
- removing wavelength variable from refolded fold (64278b7)
- return surface object from isosurfacer (6f28d67)
- set min number of elements to 3 (7a7e9ba)
- specify argument names for get_interpolator (e203b4d)
- trying lavavu without osmesa (f41b7e7)
- trying to use tini for x (4b38221)
- updating dockerfile for documentaiton build (1bd6d38)
- updating docs to use LS version (f8aac3a)
- updating examples to not use pyamg (66239cb)
- updating lavavu to use new bounding box (96306db)
- updating product to prod (5d050ca)
- updating so change work for building model (08adb56)
- updating to new bbox (fb450e0)
- Use fault names if present before labelling fault Fault_XXX (7bf34fc)
- use property array rather than store properties on grid (2d95b85)
- value changed to point (4144c59)
1.5.9 (2023-03-06)
Bug Fixes
- adding clean function to interpolator (d0de548)
- adding geopandas to dockerfile for docs (32637ec)
- adding type hints (916972c)
- all tests passing (02a4d70)
- changing build script for docs (c0c5ba2)
- check interpolator type for installing grad constraints (bfa90ac)
- code changes for merge (7aeec5c)
- code clenaing and lateral data update (d202656)
- dockerfile python version (49de51e)
- docs/docker building in python 3.10 (26bfaa2)
- fault overprinting not added to model (750ccce)
- if w == 0 don't add constraint (3aea341)
- intrusion builder uses basebuilder (bc0004a)
- intrusions test updated (e13a9aa)
- kwargs in interpolator (06f39d7)
- lateral constraint update (c830149)
- remove of old SGS variables (ab87b08)
- remove temp variable (d95394e)
- removing global_indices (4960168)
- removing of #codes (32c2b7e)
- removing unused imports (11085fe)
- removing unused packages (de08249)
- slicing for weights (75890ca)
- svariogram parameter not being passed (18d9fe2)
- type hints and formatting (2b9dd41)
- update of conceptual model functions (b61e9d3)
- update of intrusion interpolation parameters (0140cd4)
- updating ci action versions (478a401)
- making dockerfile build (0c91968)
1.5.4 (2023-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- absolute import to relative import (0ff0ba9)
- adding meshio to docs docker (12ca5d3)
- disabling fault_network example (c390b7c)
- fixing bug with fault network example (283cdfe)
- incorrect variable in process data (1776269)
- lock python to 3.8 for lavavu (f38b6a1)
- making dockerfile use pypi code (6462c41)
- removing old create dtm function (b559674)
- removing probability module (5b0b6a2)
- typo in feature exporter (a735e9f)
1.5.3 (2022-11-02)
Bug Fixes
- adding copy method to geological feature (01651cb)
- adding debugging page to doc index (a09aa0d)
- adding interpolation back to builder (1a537aa)
- allow regularisation to be set for faults using processor (07920dc)
- model set for fault segment (3eb0328)
- remove prints while solving (3aae8a9)
- removing theano from docs docker (a706575)
- tolerance geological modle (fbc7e4a)
- updating dockerfile (70ea4f7)
- updating dockerfile so that it builds (0e5482a)