NOTE: In active development, contact @kgeographer for current status
Work-in-progress update to the Pelagios Gazetteer Interconnection Format (PGIF), for future use in contributing to Peripleo and World-Historical Gazetteer. The format constitutes an example of a proposed GeoJSON extension, GeoJSON-T
PGIFv2 is valid GeoJSON. A challenge remains to convert place records represented this way to a valid RDF syntax, e.g. JSON-LD or RDF/XML. Some experimentation is under way (see below), which will be informed by upcoming work on an updated JSON-LD spec (1.0 -> 1.1) in summer of 2018.
- ./pgif_v2{x}_json.txt: latest annotated draft for comment
- Sample single record gist
- Sample dataset gist (D-Place societies)
Files in the /json-ld folder are attempts to find solutions to the age-old "edge properties problem" of RDF. Discussion of this is issue 1 in this repo (@kgeographer, @gklyne)
json-ld/place-v{n}-example.jsonld: sample record
json-ld/place-v{n}-context.jsonld: JSON-LD context
latest example @ JSON-LD playground
NOTE: The JSON-LD 1.0 specification does not support lists of lists, so the GeoJSON-LD geometries will not validate as JSON-LD. The above example is valid GeoJSON, however. The JSON-LD 1.1 spec in development promises a workaround to this problem when completed.