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+ + +This repository contains resources for the [Stochastic Modelling and Processing](https://en.via.dk/tmh-courses/stochastic-modelling-and-processing) course at VIA University College, Horsens, Denmark. + +**Literature:** + +ASPE: Montgomery, D.C. & Runger, G.C.. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th edition. All references are to chapters or exercises (found in the end of the book). Solutions to all exercises from the book are uploaded. You need to retrieve a copy however you usually retrieve books. + +NOTE: The previous exams are NOT representative of the one you will be completing and is used only as exercises since there are some overlaps in terms of the problems. + +If/When you find mistakes in the solutions, please notify me so I can update them. + +I have compiled and uploaded all session from last year (January 2021) to youtube. The link below will take you to a playlist containing all 10 sessions (theory only): + +[Stochastic Modelling 2021 – All sessions](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0bHDtI1FqFxv1ZxzsMn1sfYSxVSBbc05) + +Non-session specific resources such as the exercises from the book, solutions, old exam cases, etc. can be found her: + +[General Resources SMP](https://viaucdk-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/rib_viauc_dk/Egbdbeb9oy1Oqk8hReXf2-wBibryPlLiVj2ujGdsvH5--w?e=liO02A) + +Wiseflow code for all flows that are used during the course is always 0000. This is not the code for the actual exam in June, though. + +Click on a session below to access a plan of a specific session and additional resources for that session. + +
+ +| Session | Date | Topic | +| ------- | :----: | ---------------------------- | +| 00 | | [Important MSE Recap](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/0%20Important%20MSE%20Recap/README.md) | +| 01 | 9 Feb 08:20 – 11:50 | [Introduction + Recap Probability + Stochastic Variables](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/01%20Introduction%20%2B%20Recap%20Probability%20%2B%20Stochastic%20Variables/README.md) | +| 02 | 16 Feb 08:20 – 11:50 | [Discrete Random Variables](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/02%20Discrete%20Random%20Variables/README.md) | +| 03 | 23 Feb 08:20 – 11:50 | [Continuous Random Variables](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/03%20Continuous%20Random%20Variables/README.md) | +| 04 | 2 Mar 08:20 – 11:50 | [Multivariate Random Variables](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/04%20Multivariate%20Random%20Variables/README.md) | +| 05 | 9 Mar 08:20 – 11:50 | [Point Estimation and sampling](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/05%20Point%20Estimation%20and%20sampling/README.md) | +| 06 | 16 Mar 08:20 – 11:50 | [Statistical Intervals](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/06%20Statistical%20Intervals/README.md) | +| 07 | 23 Mar 08:20 – 11:50 | [Hypothesis Testing](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/07%20Hypothesis%20Testing/README.md) | +| 08 | 30 Mar 08:20 – 11:50 | [Regression](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/08%20Regression/README.md) | +| 09 | 20 Apr 08:20 – 11:50 | [Introduction to Stochastic Processes](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/09%20Introduction%20to%20Stochastic%20Processes/README.md)| +| 10 | 27 Apr 08:20 – 11:50 | [Markov Chains](https://github.com/RBrooksDK/SMP1/blob/main/10%20Markov%20Chains/README.md) | + +