Intro about the namaste react course
Environment needed : Editor - vs code, Browser - google chrome
Extensions for VS code : better comments bracket pair colorization toggler es7+ react/redux gitlens prettier prettifyjson vs-code icons
Created html boiler template in vs code using emmet and wrote html for printing some text.
Wrote a simple js program to print Namaste Everyone in h1 tag inside div container with id root. -> used js engine's browser API called document to create h1 element and appendChild to append it to root div const heading = document.createElement("h1"); heading.innerHTML = "Namaste Everyone"; const root = document.getElementById("root); root.appendChild(heading);
Wrote the same program using React
-> Add script for react cdn link in body of index.hmtl -> create app.js and move our js script there -> Now, write the same script in react
A react element
is object with properties which is created by React library
const heading = React.createElement("h1", {}, "Namaste Everyone");
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render(heading);
render() function will override the content of the root if there is any content already present in root container
so until the root is rendered, if we want to display some error message, it can be written in html.
what if we need to put more elements inside the root container - pass array of react elements to the container creation
const heading1 = React.createElement("h1", {id : "title"}, "Namaste Everyone"); const heading2 = React.createElement("h2", {id : "sub_title"}, "Welcome");
const container = React.createElement("div", {}, [heading1, heading2]); const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render(container);
Created a style.css file and linked to index.html
Learn about arrow function for tomorrow's class