- Expenditure on education, expenditure as percent of GDP
- Infrastucture?
- Internet User
- teachers
- Education System
- duration of each educational stage
- entrance age
- Enrolment Rate
- Demographics
- Gender Equality: percentage of female graducates
- Age
- first / secondary / tertiary
- Academic Proficiency:
- Graduation ratio
- Graduation from different Majors
- PISA Score
- Labor force education level
- Projection / forecasts
Important Indicators: See data/Cleaned/groupby/indicator-num-countries.csv
- 2-361 Barro-lee (percentage and population)
- 369-417 Enrolment
- 418-422 Expenditure
- 423-430 GDP
- 453-492 Gross Enrolment ratio
- 493-497 Gross graduation ratrio
- 502-512 Labor force - education
- 523-621 PISA score
- 622-740 Percentage
- 773-965 Population
- 1015-1028 UIS Percentage of population age 25+ with at least a completed short-cycle tertiary degree
- 1029-1031 International Students
- 1032-1339 Wittgenstein Projection