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Mapping Controversies |
This tutorial material consists of 21 modules of 15 to 45 minutes, for 2 full days in total. It covers some of the technical / practical aspects of controversy mapping with digital methods. As such, it is designed to complement teaching on the controversy mapping course.
Goal: learn how to harvest and explore data, formulate insights, and build relatable visualizations.
Data: we will mostly use Wikipedia data to keep things relatively simple, but the techniques generalize to other media platforms and datasets.
Tools: we will mostly use Tableau, Gephi, and Jupyter Notebooks. No experience required.
Each tutorial covers a part of this general process, from data harvesting (bottom) to building a controversy atlas (top). Once through all the tutorials, the routes on this map provide a set of options for completing the practical steps of a controversy mapping project.
The schedule breaks down in 4 half-days. Each one focuses on a different topic, and requires 4 hours of work, breaks included.
The activities must be done in order, as they build on each other and ramp up in complexity. Each one comprises instructions and a set of practical tasks. Time is indicative.
Build annotated timelines with Tableau Software, 4 hours.
- 1.1. Intro to Tableau software (30 min)
- 1.2. Visualize a different dataset with Tableau (30 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.3. Build a simple dashboard (30 min)
- 1.4. A timeline of words (30 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.5. Harvest a dataset (15 min)
- 1.6. Harvest data with a notebook (30 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.7. Activate your knowledge about Tableau (30 min)
Build annotated network maps with Gephi, 4 hours.
- 1.8. Intro to Gephi & Visualize clusters (45 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.9. Visualize a bipartite network (30 min)
- 1.10. Visualize a weighted network (15 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.11. From data to network with Table2Net (45 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 1.12. Activate your knowledge about Gephi (45 min)
Write visual protocols for relational data, 4 hours.
- 2.1. Follow the protocol: scrape a network with SeeAlsology (15 min)
- 2.2. Write the protocol: scrape from one article with SeeAlsology (30 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 2.3. Follow the protocol: co-reference network from a category (15 min)
- 2.4. Write the protocol: Article-editor network from a category (30 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 2.5. Do your own network from a category (45 min + 45 min)
Write visual protocols for other kinds of data, 4 hours.
- 2.6. Follow the protocol: words, from manual curation to Tableau (45 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 2.7. Extend the protocol: natural language processing (45 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 2.8. Write the protocol: Annotated Tableau dashboard of Scopus data (45 min)
- BREAK (15 min)
- 2.9. Write the protocol: Annotated Scopus author-article network map (45 min)