LangChain-OpenTutorial PyPi This is a package for LangChain-OpenTutorial. Package File Creation Install Dependency Packages (First Time Only) Ensure that setuptools and wheel are up-to-date. pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel Create Package Move to the project root directory in the terminal and execute the following command: python sdist bdist_wheel This command generates distribution-ready package files (.tar.gz and .whl) in the dist/ directory. Test Package Installation Install the generated package locally for testing. pip install dist/langchain_opentutorial-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl After local testing, upload the package to PyPI using twine. Install twine Install twine to upload the package to PyPI. pip install twine Upload to PyPI Use twine to upload the package to PyPI. twine upload dist/* A PyPI account is required, and login credentials will be needed.