Whois queries are made on the IRR source of the object and on a list of selected mirrors where the existence of said object can be verified. These queries can return the following statuses:
Resultado | Letra | Valor |
Object Not Found | D | 0 |
Object Found | A | 1 |
Mirror Response with Nothing | N | 2 |
Mirror TimeOut | T | 3 |
Object Found with Differences | F | 4 |
The application has the following directory and file structure within the data directory that is the base of the application:
├── html
│ ├── index.php -> irrmon.php
│ ├── input
│ │ ├── irr_input.json
│ │ └── irr_whois_list.json
│ ├── irrmn.php
│ ├── log
│ │ ├── irr_check.log
│ │ └── irr_metrics.json
│ └── objects
│ ├── ALTDB.json
│ ├── LACNIC.json
│ ├── LEVEL3.json
│ ├── NESTEGG.json
│ ├── NTTCOM.json
│ ├── NTT.json
│ ├── PANIX.json
│ ├── RADB.json
│ ├── REACH.json
│ ├── RIPE.json
│ ├── ROGERS.json
│ └── TC.json
└── prometheus
└── prometheus.yml
The html directory is a volume for the lighttpd container and is the root directory of the web service where the form to be filled in with query parameters is accessed. It also contains the log and objects directories for quick access by web page without needing to enter the container.
In the input directory, the parameters filled in the form in json format are stored in the file irr_input.json. The irr_whois_list.json file contains the data that defines each RIR and mirror. This list was obtained from https://www.irr.net/docs/list.html
For example, the irr_input.json file might contain:
{"querySourceIRR":"LACNIC","queryObjectType":"aut-num","queryObject":"AS64136", "queryInterval":"300","queryTimeout":"10","queryMirrorsList":["NTT","RADB","LEVEL3","ROGERS","ALTDB","AOLTW","EPOCH","NESTEGG","PANIX","REACH","TC"]}
In the directory log they are stored in:
irr_check.log Is the application execution log with the queries made to each mirror
irr_metricss.log The results obtained in each query period in json format. For example:
"timestamp": 1667518413,
"date": "2022/11/03 23:33:33",
"querySourceIRR": "LACNIC",
"queryObjectType": "aut-num",
"queryObject": "AS64136",
"irr": {
"ALTDB": "D",
"AOLTW": "N",
"EPOCH": "T",
"LACNIC": "A",
"LEVEL3": "A",
"NTT": "A",
"RADB": "A",
"REACH": "D",
"ROGERS": "A",
"TC": "D"
The objects directory stores the responses to the queries in json format and is used to compare the responses obtained if the objects were found on the mirror.
Finally the directory data/prometheus is a volume for the container prometheus and contains the configuration file to connect and periodically fetch the information from the exporter.
To enter each of the containers, you must execute:
docker exec -it <contenedor> /bin/bash
Note that if the container does not include bash, use sh:
docker exec -it <contenedor> /bin/sh
The names of the containers that are running and associated with composer can be obtained by running:
docker ps
f53668fbbd69 irrmon_app "python3 ./irrmon.py" 21 hours ago Up 21 hours>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp irrmon_app_1
de0219cf08b3 irrmon_lighttpd "/usr/sbin/lighttpd …" 21 hours ago Up 21 hours>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp irrmon_lighttpd_1
0a41b420fddb grafana/grafana "/run.sh" 21 hours ago Up 21 hours>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp irrmon_grafana_1
5735229a0080 prom/prometheus "/bin/prometheus --c…" 21 hours ago Up 21 hours>9090/tcp, :::9090->9090/tcp irrmon_prometheus_1