The main logic of the kusion feature is in following files:
- src/kusion/devcontainer-feature.json: the metadata of the feature, for example the id, version, parameters, env, dependent extensions...
- src/kusion/ the install script to install kusion and kclvm to the container.
We could update these two files to upgrade kusion versions, parameters, etc.
And after updated the feature, remember to update the tests in test/_global
and test/kusion
Pushing the updates to the repository will trigger a CI pipeline, please make sure to paas the tests.
To release the feature to the latest version, manually trigger the 'Release dev container features & Generate Documentation' task in the Github Workflows.
After the release pipeline succeeded, the version of the feature packages should be updated to the released version. Check (here)[] to make sure the kusion feature package version is updated.
Then after releasement, We can manually trigger a prebuild task in the repository which adopted the feature in its codespaces settings page.