- Fork the repository
- Clone the fork:
git clone https://github.com/username/REAPER-2.0.git
- Create your changes branch:
git checkout -b my-changes
- Stage changes
git add .
- Commit your changes:
OR npm run commit
do not use git commit
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-changes
- Submit a pull request
- If you are adding a new command, be sure to use the proper syntax:
module.exports = {
name: "commandName",
description: "commandDescription",
usage: "Insert usage here",
botPerms: ["Permissions_required_by_the_bot"],
userPerms: ["Permissions_required_by_the_user"],
nsfwOnly: false, // True if the command can be used in nsfw channels only,
ownerOnly: false, // True if the command can be used by owner only,
run: async(client, message, args) => {
// Command here
- If you are adding a new slash command, be sure the proper syntax:
module.exports = {
name: "commandName",
description: "commandDescription",
botPerms: ["Permissions_required_by_the_bot"],
userPerms: ["Permissions_required_by_the_user"],
ownerOnly: false, // True if the command can be used by owner only,
options: null, // If options are required, add accordingly else keep it null
run: async(client, interaction, args) => {
// Command here
- If you are making a bug fix, please be sure that the bug can no longer be reproduced. If the fix is temporary, Mark the PR as [TEMPORARY_FIX].