The Terraform code in the directories under this one provide examples for provisioning infrastructure into AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
This example provides a simple example to provision an EC2 instance running Ubuntu in AWS.
This example provides a simple example to provision an Azure Windows VM and required resources in Azure. Note that it uses a module from the public Terraform Module Registry.
This example provides a simple example to provision a Google compute instance in GCP.
This example illustrates how you can provision an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using the AKS service. If you use this, also check out the k8s-vault-config and k8s-services directories. The first provisions the Vault Kubernetes authentication method against your cluster while the second provisions a web app and redis database as Kubernetes pods to the AKS cluster.
This example illustrates how you can provision a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. If you use this, also check out the k8s-vault-config and k8s-services directories. The first provisions the Vault Kubernetes authentication method against your cluster while the second provisions a web app and redis database as Kubernetes pods to the GKE cluster.
This example illustrates how you can provision an OpenShift 3.11 cluster into AWS using Terraform and ansible-playbook. If you use this, also check out the k8s-services-openshift directory which provisions a web app and redis database as Kubernetes pods to the OpenShift cluster.
This example illustrates how you can provision some AWS Lambda functions to help you terminate EC2 instances that are running longer than desired.
This example illustrates how you can use short lived AWS keys dynamically generated by Vault in your Terraform projects. It breaks up the usage of those keys into producer and consumer roles.
This example also illustrates the use of short lived AWS keys dynamically generated by Vault in the context of provisioning some AWS networking infrastructure.
This example illustrates how to provision a HashiStack cluster running Nomad, Consul, and Vault in AWS, Azure, and Google.