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+# In-memory file analysis
+Experimental API. Subject to changes.
+Parsing a Kotlin file does not require any knowledge about the project it belongs to. On the other hand, for *semantic
+code analysis*, understanding dependencies and compilation options of a file is crucial.
+In most cases, source files — whether written by a user or auto-generated — are stored on disk and belong to a specific module.
+The build system understands the project layout and instructs the compiler or the IDE to use appropriate dependencies for
+all files in that module. For script files, such as `build.gradle.kts`, the situation is more complex since
+scripts technically do not belong to any module. However, in such cases, the build system also provides the necessary
+context. For example, Gradle build scripts include the Gradle API and all libraries Gradle depends on in their classpath.
+In certain cases, it might be useful to analyze a file without storing it in the file system. For example, an IDE
+inspection may use in-memory files to verify whether code will remain valid after applying a proposed change.
+Specifically, the inspection might create a copy of the `KtFile`, apply the change to the copy, and check for new
+compilation errors. In such scenarios, the inspection needs to supply the correct analysis context for the in-memory
+The Analysis API provides multiple approaches for analyzing in-memory files and attaching context to them.
+Below, we explore these options and their differences.
+## Stand-alone file analysis
+Let's begin with the most generic case: creating an in-memory file with arbitrary content and analyzing it.
+To create a file, we use the `KtPsiFactory` class:
+val text =
+ """
+ package test
+ fun foo() {
+ println("Hello, world!")
+ }
+ """.trimIndent()
+val factory = KtPsiFactory(project)
+val file = factory.createFile(text)
+`KtPsiFactory` offers many utilities for creating chunks of Kotlin code. In our case, we are primarily interested in
+creating entire Kotlin files.
+If we analyze the file we created using `analyze {}`, we notice that the `println` reference is reported as unresolved:
+analyze(file) {
+ val diagnostics = file.collectDiagnostics(KaDiagnosticCheckerFilter.ONLY_COMMON_CHECKERS)
+ // ["Unresolved reference 'println'."]
+ val messages = diagnostics.map { it.defaultMessage }
+This happens because the `KtFile` we created lacks any attached context, making the Kotlin Standard Library unavailable.
+However, code in the file still *can* access a few basic Kotlin types, such as `Int` or `String`, and can resolve
+references to declarations from the same file.
+Now, let's assume we have a `contextFile` that belongs to a module and want to analyze our in-memory file as it was
+in that module. First, we retrieve the containing module of the `contextFile`.
+val contextModule = KaModuleProvider.getModule(project, contextFile, useSiteModule = null)
+Now that we have the module, we attach it to our file:
+file.contextModule = contextModule
+If the context module includes a dependency to the Kotlin Standard library, the analysis will no longer produce errors.
+The created file can reference declarations from the context module, including `internal` ones.
+However, no matter the content of our newly created file, it will not affect resolution of our context file.
+Such as, if we declare a function in the `file`, it will not be visible from the `contextFile`.
+Here is the complete code of our example:
+val text =
+ """
+ package test
+ fun foo() {
+ println("Hello, world!")
+ }
+ """.trimIndent()
+val factory = KtPsiFactory(project)
+val file = factory.createFile(text)
+val contextModule = KaModuleProvider.getModule(project, contextFile, useSiteModule = null)
+file.contextModule = contextModule
+analyze(file) {
+ val diagnostics = file.collectDiagnostics(KaDiagnosticCheckerFilter.ONLY_COMMON_CHECKERS)
+ // An empty list
+ val messages = diagnostics.map { it.defaultMessage }
+## Context modules
+In the previous example, we used the `KaModuleProvider.getModule()` function to retrieve the module containing the
+`contextFile`. The returned value is of type `KaModule` which is an Analysis API abstraction over `Module`, `Library`,
+and `Sdk` concepts from IntelliJ IDEA. Specifically, a `KaSourceModule` represents a source module, and libraries and
+SDKs are represented by `KaLibraryModule`s. Every `KaSymbol` in the Analysis API is associated with some `KaModule`.
+If you already have a reference to a `Module`, you can convert it to a `KaModule` using one of the Kotlin plugin helper
+fun Module.toKaSourceModule(kind: KaSourceModuleKind): KaSourceModule?
+fun Module.toKaSourceModuleForProduction(): KaSourceModule?
+fun Module.toKaSourceModuleForTest(): KaSourceModule?
+For more related APIs, refer to the Kotlin plugin's
+[source code](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/plugins/kotlin/base/project-structure/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/base/projectStructure/api.kt).
+There are also overloads that accept `ModuleId` and `ModuleEntity` from the newer project model API.
+In the `KaModuleProvider.getModule` function call, we passed `useSiteModule = null`. For advanced scenarios,
+you might want to analyze files from other modules in the context of a synthetic module. In such cases, that synthetic
+module can be passed as a `useSiteModule`. For typical use cases, it is safe to pass `null`.
+## Physical and non-physical files
+In the previous example, we used the `KtPsiFactory` to create a non-physical file. From IntelliJ IDEA's perspective,
+"non-physical" differs from whether the file is stored on disk. We can create both physical and non-physical `KtFile`s
+that are not written to the disk.
+So what is the difference? Non-physical files are typically created for one-shot analysis. Creating them has a lower
+cost, but IntelliJ IDEA does not track changes in them. A physical file, on the other hand, is handled by the PSI
+modification machinery, allowing the Analysis API to track changes and update analysis results accordingly.
+If you need a long-lived file that will be modified and analyzed multiple times, you should create a physical file by
+using a `KtPsiFactory` with `eventSystemEnabled = true`:
+val factory = KtPsiFactory(project, eventSystemEnabled = true)
+val file = factory.createFile(text)
+## File copies
+In some cases, you might want to create a complete copy of an existing file, modify it in some way, and analyze
+the result.
+To create a copy of a file, you can use the `copy` function:
+val fileCopy = file.copy() as KtFile
+The `copy()` function sets a reference to the original file in the produced copy. As a result, the `getOriginalFile()`
+of the newly created file points back to the original file. This allows the Analysis API to automatically use the
+context of the original file. In other words, there is no need to manually set the `contextModule` for a copied file.
+The `copy()` function creates non-physical files. For this setup (a non-physical file with a `getOriginalFile()` set),
+the Analysis API uses a different analysis strategy by default.
+This behavior is optimized for efficiency. Since the original file might be large, analyzing it from scratch could be
+unnecessarily resource-intensive. In most cases, file copies primarily differ in declaration bodies, so the Analysis API
+leverages existing analysis results from the original file.
+If you make changes to the declaration signatures in the copied file, you should analyze it independently of the
+original file. To do so, use the `PREFER_SELF` resolution mode with the `analyzeCopy()` function:
+analyzeCopy(fileCopy, KaDanglingFileResolutionMode.PREFER_SELF) {
+ // Analysis code, just as in `analyze()`
+On the other side, if you manually create a physical file copy, you can still request more efficient analysis by passing
+the `KaDanglingFileResolutionMode.IGNORE_SELF` option:
+val factory = KtPsiFactory(file.project, eventSystemEnabled = true)
+val fileCopy = factory.createFile("text.kt", originalFile.text)
+fileCopy.originalFile = file
+analyzeCopy(fileCopy, KaDanglingFileResolutionMode.IGNORE_SELF) {
+ // Analysis code, just as in `analyze()`
+The `analyzeCopy()` function works exclusively for file copies. Unless you need to configure the resolution mode
+explicitly, use the usual `analyze()` instead.
+In the future, the Analysis API may be able to track changes in file copies and decide on an appropriate
+resolution mode automatically.
+## Code fragments
+If you only need to analyze a single expression or reference within the context of surrounding code, creating a full
+file copy is often unnecessary. For these use cases, the Analysis API provides the concept of *code fragments*.
+A code fragment is a small piece of code that can be analyzed within the context of some other code.
+There are three types of code fragments:
+- `KtExpressionCodeFragment` for analyzing a single expression;
+- `KtBlockCodeFragment` for analyzing a block of statements;
+- `KtTypeCodeFragment` for analyzing a single type reference.
+All three types of code fragments extend the `KtCodeFragment` class, which itself extends `KtFile`.
+Code fragments differ from typical `KtFile`s in several important ways:
+- **No package directive**: A code fragment cannot have a `package` directive; its package is inherently the same as
+ the package of the context file.
+- **Import handling**: Imports are submitted externally, and no import aliases are permitted.
+- **Local-only content**: All content within a code fragment is considered local.
+To create a code fragment, you need two inputs: the source text of the fragment and a context element from the
+surrounding code. For example, consider the following code snippet where `print(name)` is a context element:
+fun test() {
+ val name = "poem.txt"
+ print(name)
+Now, let's create a code fragment that references `name` to read from a file:
+val fragment = KtExpressionCodeFragment(
+ project,
+ name = "fragment.kt",
+ text = "File(name).readText()",
+ context = contextElement,
+ imports = listOf("java.io.File")
+A code fragment can reference any declaration visible from its context element, including local declarations.
+For the above example, the code fragment accesses the local variable `name`.
+If we pass the `val name = "poem.txt"` declaration as a context element, the code fragment analysis will result in an
+error, as variables are not yet available on the line of their declaration.
+Since code fragments extend `KtFile`, you can analyze them in the same way as you analyze files:
+analyze(fragment) {
+ // Analysis code
+Code fragments can have a context element from another code fragment, or from an in-memory file.
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