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+# Case Study: Main function should return 'Unit'
+## Introduction
+The `MainFunctionReturnUnitInspection` from the Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA plugin checks whether the `main()`-like function
+has the `Unit` return type. If the return type is implicit, it's easy to return something different by mistake.
+The inspection helps to avoid the issue.
+In the following function, the author most likely intended to create a `main()` function. But in fact, it returns a
+fun main(args: Array) = System.err.apply {
+ args.forEach(::println)
+Both the K1 and K2 inspection implementations use a named function visitor.
+The difference lies in the `processFunction()` implementation.
+internal class MainFunctionReturnUnitInspection : LocalInspectionTool() {
+ override fun buildVisitor(holder: ProblemsHolder, isOnTheFly: Boolean): PsiElementVisitor {
+ return namedFunctionVisitor { processFunction(it, holder) }
+ }
+## K1 Implementation
+Here is the [old](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/57c570fa9816127f425671605cc390b094e520a0/plugins/kotlin/idea/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/inspections/MainFunctionReturnUnitInspection.kt#L27),
+K1-based implementation of `processFunction()`.
+if (function.name != "main") return
+val descriptor = function.descriptor as? FunctionDescriptor ?: return
+val mainFunctionDetector = MainFunctionDetector(function.languageVersionSettings) { it.resolveToDescriptorIfAny() }
+if (!mainFunctionDetector.isMain(descriptor, checkReturnType = false)) return
+if (descriptor.returnType?.let { KotlinBuiltIns.isUnit(it) } == true) return
+Let's look at the implementation step by step.
+if (function.name != "main") return
+Here we check whether the function is named `main` to avoid running further checking logic that depends on semantic code
+analysis. It is crucial, as PSI-based checks are much faster than semantic ones.
+val descriptor = function.descriptor as? FunctionDescriptor ?: return
+Then, by using `function.descriptor` we get a `DeclarationDescriptor`, a container for semantic
+declaration information. In the case of a `KtNamedFunction`, it should be a `FunctionDescriptor`, holding the
+function's return type.
+The `function.descriptor` [helper](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/76680787081992373bd0029cc54176963adcd858/plugins/kotlin/core/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/search/usagesSearch/searchHelpers.kt#L50)
+calls `resolveToDescriptorIfAny()`, which itself delegates to `analyze()` to get the
+`BindingContext`. The obtained `BindingContext` provides bindings between elements in the code and their semantic
+representation (such as, `KtDeclaration` to `DeclarationDescriptor`).
+val mainFunctionDetector = MainFunctionDetector(function.languageVersionSettings) { it.resolveToDescriptorIfAny() }
+if (!mainFunctionDetector.isMain(descriptor, checkReturnType = false)) return
+Additionally, we use the `MainFunctionDetector` [compiler utility](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/compiler/frontend/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/MainFunctionDetector.kt#L36)
+to check whether a descriptor indeed looks like a `main()` function. Specifically for the IDE use-cases,
+`MainFunctionDetector` provides an overload that allows us to skip the return type check. The `MainFunctionDetector`
+expects a descriptor, so we pass the one we've obtained from the `KtNamedFunction`.
+if (descriptor.returnType?.let { KotlinBuiltIns.isUnit(it) } == true) return
+Finally, we check whether the function's return type is `Unit`. We use the `KotlinBuiltIns` class from the compiler
+which has a number of static methods which check whether a type is a specific Kotlin built-in type.
+If the return type is not `Unit`, the function is not a proper `main()` one, so we register a problem.
+## K2 Implementation
+Then, let's compare the old implementation with the [K2-based one](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/9c7e738f1449985836f74ab2d58ee05ddd1a28e2/plugins/kotlin/code-insight/inspections-k2/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/k2/codeinsight/inspections/declarations/MainFunctionReturnUnitInspection.kt#L20).
+val detectorConfiguration = KotlinMainFunctionDetector.Configuration(checkResultType = false)
+if (!PsiOnlyKotlinMainFunctionDetector.isMain(function, detectorConfiguration)) return
+if (!function.hasDeclaredReturnType() && function.hasBlockBody()) return
+if (!KotlinMainFunctionDetector.getInstance().isMain(function, detectorConfiguration)) return
+analyze(function) {
+ if (!function.symbol.returnType.isUnitType) {
+ holder.registerProblem(...)
+ }
+Starting from the beginning, one can notice that the K2 implementation is more efficient.
+if (!PsiOnlyKotlinMainFunctionDetector.isMain(function, detectorConfiguration)) return
+Here we not only check the function name, but we use the [`PsiOnlyKotlinMainFunctionDetector`](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/db1bf18449fab6d4a3de8576b01ef1e35a4f0ad1/plugins/kotlin/base/code-insight/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/base/codeInsight/PsiOnlyKotlinMainFunctionDetector.kt#L13)
+to check whether the function looks like a `main()` one using only PSI-based checks. In particular, the detector checks
+also the presence of type/value parameters and the function location in the file.
+if (!function.hasDeclaredReturnType() && function.hasBlockBody()) return
+Next, we check whether the function has a declared return type. If it doesn't, and if the function has a block body, we
+assume that the return type is `Unit`, so we skip further checks.
+if (!KotlinMainFunctionDetector.getInstance().isMain(function, detectorConfiguration)) return
+Then, we use another implementation of the `KotlinMainFunctionDetector` – this one performs semantic checks. For the
+K2 mode, it will be [`SymbolBasedKotlinMainFunctionDetector`](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/f0132d1fa64f21db0bd8dd19207a94a90c6ef301/plugins/kotlin/base/fir/code-insight/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/base/fir/codeInsight/SymbolBasedKotlinMainFunctionDetector.kt#L24).
+We use the same `detectorConfiguration` as before to skip the return type check, as we want to catch `main()`-like
+functions with a wrong return type.
+analyze(function) {
+ if (!function.symbol.returnType.isUnitType) {
+ holder.registerProblem(...)
+ }
+Finally, we perform the return type check by ourselves using the Analysis API.
+The Analysis API requires all work with resolved declarations to be performed inside the `analyze {}` block.
+Inside the lambda, we get access to various helpers providing semantic information about declarations visible
+from the use-site module. In our case, it would be the module containing the `function` (as we passed it to `analyze()`).
+We need to check whether the function has a `Unit` return type. One can get it from a `KaFunctionSymbol`,
+a semantic representation of a function, similar to `FunctionDescriptor` in the old compiler.
+The `symbol` property available inside the analysis block maps a `KtDeclaration` to a `KaSymbol`. Unlike K1,
+the Analysis API guarantees there will be a symbol for every declaration, so we do not need an extra `?: return`.
+Also, `symbol` is overloaded for different kinds of declarations, so we can avoid explicit casting to a `KaFunctionSymbol`.
+Just like in the old implementation, we check whether the return type is `Unit`, and if it's not, we register a problem.
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+# Declaring compatibility with K2
+The Kotlin IntelliJ plugin assumes that a dependent third-party plugin *does not* support K2 Kotlin out of the box. Such
+incompatible plugins will not be loaded if the K2 mode is currently enabled.
+Once a plugin has been migrated to the Analysis API, a setting should be added to its `plugin.xml` to declare its
+compatibility with the K2 mode. Even if the plugin does not use any of the old K1 analysis functions and no migration to
+the Analysis API is needed, compatibility with the K2 Kotlin plugin should be declared explicitly nonetheless.
+Starting from IntelliJ 2024.2.1 (Preview), the following setting in the `plugin.xml` can be used to declare
+compatibility with the K2 mode:
+It is also possible to declare compatibility with *only* the K2 mode:
+Currently, the default setting for `supportsK1` is `true` and for `supportsK2` is `false`.
+To test it locally when using the [IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin.html), add a [dependency](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-dependencies-extension.html) on the IntelliJ IDEA Community 2024.2.1 (`intellijIdeaCommunity("2024.2.1")`) or higher.
+A number of third-party plugins may already be enabled in the K2 mode without a `supportsK2` declaration. The IntelliJ
+Kotlin plugin keeps an [internal list](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/platform/core-impl/resources/pluginsCompatibleWithK2Mode.txt)
+of plugins which are known to be compatible with the K2 mode as they do not use Kotlin analysis. The authors of these
+plugins should not be surprised if their plugin already works in the K2 mode. However, it's still advised to declare K2
+support explicitly.
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@@ -426,68 +426,4 @@ fun hasAnnotation(declaration: KtDeclaration): Boolean {
return SPECIAL_ANNOTATION_CLASS_ID in declaration.symbol.annotations
-## Declaring compatibility with the K2 Kotlin mode
-The Kotlin IntelliJ plugin assumes that a dependent third-party plugin *does not* support K2 Kotlin out of the box. Such
-incompatible plugins will not be loaded if the K2 mode is currently enabled.
-Once a plugin has been migrated to the Analysis API, a setting should be added to its `plugin.xml` to declare its
-compatibility with the K2 mode. Even if the plugin does not use any of the old K1 analysis functions and no migration to
-the Analysis API is needed, compatibility with the K2 Kotlin plugin should be declared explicitly nonetheless.
-Starting from IntelliJ 2024.2.1 (Preview), the following setting in the `plugin.xml` can be used to declare
-compatibility with the K2 mode:
-It is also possible to declare compatibility with *only* the K2 mode:
-Currently, the default setting for `supportsK1` is `true` and for `supportsK2` is `false`.
-To test it locally when using the [IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin.html), add a [dependency](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-dependencies-extension.html) on the IntelliJ IDEA Community 2024.2.1 (`intellijIdeaCommunity("2024.2.1")`) or higher.
-A number of third-party plugins may already be enabled in the K2 mode without a `supportsK2` declaration. The IntelliJ
-Kotlin plugin keeps an [internal list](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/platform/core-impl/resources/pluginsCompatibleWithK2Mode.txt)
-of plugins which are known to be compatible with the K2 mode as they do not use Kotlin analysis. The authors of these
-plugins should not be surprised if their plugin already works in the K2 mode. However, it's still advised to declare K2
-support explicitly.
-## Testing the plugin in K2 mode locally
-To test the plugin in K2 mode locally, the `-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true` VM option should be passed to the running
-IntelliJ IDEA or test process.
-When using [IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-platform-gradle-plugin), you can
-modify the `build.gradle.kts` build script to enable K2 mode in different Gradle tasks:
-For running in a debug IntelliJ IDEA instance:
-tasks.named("runIde") {
- jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
- listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true")
- }
-Or for running tests:
-tasks.test {
- jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
- listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true")
- }
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+# Testing in K2 Locally
+To test the plugin in K2 mode locally, pass the `-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true` VM option to the IntelliJ IDEA
+run test, or to the test task.
+When using the [IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-platform-gradle-plugin), you can specify the option directly in the `build.gradle.kts`
+To run in a debug IntelliJ IDEA instance, submit the option to the `RunIdeTask`:
+tasks.named("runIde") {
+ jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
+ listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true")
+ }
+To run tests against the Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA plugin in the K2 mode, add the option to the `test` task:
+tasks.test {
+ jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
+ listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true")
+ }