- This project provides several layer classes and a network class with tunable parameters
- Try to solve MNIST Dataset
- MSE loss function
- mini-batch SGD
- learning rate delay
- CUDA Toolkit 12.2
- cuBlas -- Matrix Operation
- cuDNN v8.9 -- Convolution forward and backward, activation
- Conv2d: 28x28x1 6filters 5x5 s=1 p=2 RELU
- MaxPooling2d: 28x28x6 s=2
- Conv2d: 14x14x6 16filters 5x5 s=1 p=0 RELU
- MaxPooling2d: 10x10x16 s=2
- Dense: 160 SIGMOID
- Dense: 84 SIGMOID
- Dense: 10 SIGMOID
- Epoch 30
- BatchSize 10
- LearningRate 0.1
- DelayRate 0.1
Accurate: 98.2% Running time: 1036.790s Device: 3060ti