The Kerbae ad Astra group wishes to extend the warmest welcome to any and all contributors. In order to accomplish this, we ask the following things from you.
When visiting the Kerbae ad Astra IRC channel (#kerbaeadastra) on Freenode, accessible through <>, we ask that you be respectful and thoughtful before posting. Any abuse will not be tolerated, and reports can and will be made to the staff members of the channel. This includes the following:
- Sexual or suggestive language
- Links to inappropriate pictures or websites. As a rule-of-thumb, if the KSP Forums would block it, so will we.
- Posting of inappropriate pictures. Using certain clients, it is possible to post pictures directly in chat. See above for the rule-of-thumb.
- Abusive language of any kind, insulting others in any way. "Playful" teasing is not tolerated, nor is any other form of disrespect for other members.
- Role playing while on the channel is not acceptable.
- Comments about any other user's suspected race, sexual orientation, or ethnicity is not tolerated. As a rule of thumb, if you feel as though others will make fun of you for revealing your race or ethnicity, do not state it in the channel. The same goes for sexual orientation.
- Keep all posts on topic, and for any confidential information, personal message the user.
- Political statements of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Posting other users' personal information (doxxing) is forbidden.
To restate all of the above, keep all posts on topic and SFW [Safe For Work], and respect other users' beliefs and practices.
To combat spambots, registration on the official Kerbae ad Astra GitLab repository has been disabled. Should you wish to have access to the repository, please contact us at [email protected] and we will consider your case.
Once you have obtained access to the repository, you may submit new issues or MRs [Merge Requests], or comment on existing ones. These comments should be kept on topic and shall not make personal attacks or condescending statements. These include:
- Making a request to close said issue or MR because "you are not experiencing the problem".
- Arguing about the content of issues or MRs, either created by yourself or others.
- Trying to justify issues or MRs after they have been closed by Kerbae ad Astra staff.
- Making issues or MRs without a purpose.
- Unhelpful creation of issues such as "it is completely broken". These do not help anyone in any way, and create much more unnecessary communication and waiting time for the issue to be fixed.
- 0111narwhalz
- TotallyNotHuman
- KAL 9000
- Benjamin Kerman
- Brent Kerman
We (the staff members) are committed to keeping Kerbae ad Astra and all related places healthy and accepting for all users.
Punishments for misconduct are issued at the staff members' discretion.
Misconduct will result in blocking and/or loss of member privileges, up to and including removal of any and all inappropriate wiki edits, commits, comments, issues, and merge requests.
An immediate report to the KSP forum moderators will be made - punishments (or the lack thereof) will be decided by them.
We take abuse very seriously. If you would like to make a complaint of abuse or harassment, please send us an email at [email protected]. We will review each case thoroughly, and may invite you into a private session to discuss the incident. All findings will be kept confidential, unless otherwise stated or requested.