Quantum Dynamics and Control with QuantumControl.jl – Example: Optimization of a Perfectly Entangling Quantum Gate
This example notebook was shown in the talk Quantum Dynamics and Control with QuantumControl.jl (Slides) at JuliaCon 2023.
It is a based on the example available at https://juliaquantumcontrol.github.io/GRAPE.jl/stable/examples/perfect_entanglers/
Jupyter Notebook or Lab with the Jupytext extension. The recommended installation method is via Miniforge.
Julia 1.9.2 with IJulia. To install the appropriate Julia kernel, run
using IJulia; installkernel("Julia", "--threads=auto", "--project=@.")
in the
> julia --project=.
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
Start a Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab instance, and open the perfect_entanglers.ipynb
file. With the Jupytext extension, you can also directly open the perfect_entanglers.jl
Alternatively to using Jupyter, you may also just run the .jl
file or execute it line-by-line e.g. with Visual Studio Code.