Tools for interoperability between DataFrame objects and LightGraphs and MetaGraphs objects.
julia> using DataFrames
julia> using GraphDataFrameBridge
julia> df = DataFrame(Dict("start" => ["a", "b", "a", "d"],
"finish" => ["b", "c", "e", "e"],
"weights" => 1:4,
"extras" => 5:8))
# Simple undirected MetaGraph
julia> mg = MetaGraph(df, :start, :finish)
{5, 4} undirected Int64 metagraph with Float64 weights defined by :weight (default weight 1.0)
julia> props(mg, 1)
Dict Symbol → Any with 1 entries
:name → "a"
# Simple directed MetaDiGraph
julia> mdg = MetaDiGraph(df, :start, :finish)
{5, 4} directed Int64 metagraph with Float64 weights defined by :weight (default weight 1.0)
# MetaGraph with `weight` attribute set and
# `:extras` values stored as attributes.
julia> mgw = MetaGraph(df, :start, :finish,
{5, 4} undirected Int64 metagraph with Float64 weights defined by :weight (default weight 1.0)
julia> props(mgw, 1, 2)
Dict Symbol → Any with 2 entries
:extras → 5
:weight → 1
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