Bootcamp GO Intro Class 1 Intro to Go Language Control Structures Class 2 Functions in Go Interfaces and Structures in Go Class 3 Go Packages OS/IO Pointers, Goroutines and Channels in Go Class 4 Errors in GO Panic, Defer, Recover and Context in Go Web Class 6 Intro to Gin Routes, Params and Queries in Gin Class 7 Post Method and Headers with Gin Folders Structure Class 8 PUT, PATCH and DELETE Methods Package Store Class 9 Fields Validation and Generic Responses API Documentation & Middlewares Testing Class 10 Testing Package testing and testify Class 11 Doubles Tests Integration Test Class 12 Golangci-lint and Code Coverage Functional Tests and TDD Storage Implementation Class 13 Bases de Datos SQL I Class 14 SQL II - JOINS SQL II - CRUD Class 15 NoSQL - Basico NoSQL - Replicación Class 16 Storage Implementation - INSERT/GET Class 17 Storage Implementation - UPDATE/PATCH Storage Implementation - Testing Class 18 Storage Implementation - DynamoDB