Unstable development branch
Update to ssh-transport 0.1.1
Make aptitude update quieter Fixes #160
Update to pallet-fsmop 0.1.2
Quieten p.actions.direct.settings-test
Factor out lift* and converge* in pallet.api The lift* and converge* fuctions return the fsms used by left and converge respectively, without calling operate on them.
Improve etc-hosts docstring and tests
Add p.crate/get-node-settings and p.actions/assoc-settings Allow capture of node results into settings, and query of settings across nodes.
Fix nodes-in-group Added to test in etc-hosts crate that exercises nodes-in-group via hosts-for-group.
Fix passing of environment to session in plan functions The environment was not being passed to the session.
Merge pull request #154 from juergenhoetzel/develop Fix stack overflow error in supported-providers
Fix remote-file-content
Extend DelayedArgument to maps This allows return values to be passed as part of a map to actions.
Add return-value-expr This macro allow the construction of a new action return value using the value of previous action return values.
Fix send-text call to pass map for options
Fix script mode change Forgot the pom change, and missed a send-stream call.
If :sudo-user is set on a script action, make script readable When executing script with a different user, ensure the script file is readable by 'other'.
Add a deprecated pallet.utils/make-user for compatibility
Make sudoers a collected plan function
Merge image credential with admin user The key reporting from jclouds getCredential has a bug, so we just use the admin user's key
Add def-collect-plan-fn Allow definition of collected plan functions
Make live-test more robust to strings vs keywords in group names
Fix stack overflow error in supported-providers This was caused by a mutual recursive invocation of supported-providers
Add executed script to result map Ensure the executed script is available for debugging, logging, etc.
Update assoc-settings to return values rather than session The session can get very large, and having it returned as the result makes debugging more difficult than it needs to be.
Update top level lift and converge to cover 0.7.x use cases
Fix node removal in p.c.operations/converge
Fix p.c.o/node-count-adjuster to correctly remove nodes
Only add a :errors key to the result when errors are present When grepping logs, it is annoying to have empty :errors values.
Add version to pallet.core.api
Fix p.c.o/lift and converge to accumulate phase results Only the last result was being returned.
Use pallet-local-transport 0.1.1
Update to pallet-fsmop 0.1.1
Fix node removal in node-count-adjuster
Rename multi-version-method and multi-version-plan-method Renamed to follow defmethod to defmethod-version and defmethod-version-plan
Fix pallet.test-utils/with-null-defining-context This bug was hiding a slew of test failures.
Add compatibility namespace for pallet.core
Add package repo crate
Add generic install methods for crates
Fix live-test/build-nodes to process :targets correctly
Fix os-family return assignment in minimal-packages
Add missing dependency on useful
Fix main-invoker test to not use the user's config.clj file
Make build-session public, and ensure os-version is set on the node
Add a precondition to version-vector
Rename defmulti-version-crate to defmulti-version-plan and make defmulti-version-plan and multi-version-plan-method bodies now wrap their bodies in a state monad pipeline.
Update dispatch-version to provide better exception information
Add map based datastructure with lookup based on os hierarchy The os-map and os-map-lookup functions implement a datastructure that is a map, where the key is a map and lookup is based on matching the :os key based on the os-hierarchy and the :os-version key on matching version ranges.
Fix the environment crate to use pipeline-when
Add defmulti-plan and defmethod-plan for multimethods in plan functions These functions implement a multimethod for the state monad, where the dispatch function is also a monadic function.
Fix propogation of plan-state in lift
Fix merging of phase functions
Fix rsync-directory action to not install rsync We would like to ensure rsync is installed, but this requires root permissions, and doesn't work when the action is run without root permision.
Fix pipeline-when to correctly handle keywords used as functions
Add simple script testing macros The pallet.scipt-test macros provide a simple framework for verifying pallet phases on the node.
Factor out NodeImage and NodePackager protocols Separate protocols facilitate multi-version support
Fix api-test for updated service in node-list nodes
Add image list for ubuntu precise
Add core-user feature
Add node tagging SPI Closes #139
Fix converge for denormailsed nodes
Fix pipeline-when for new stevedore test expression generation
Remove running of :settings in p.c.operations/lift The :settings phase should not be handled specially in the core lift function.
Represent service-state and targets as node maps At the core level, the information from the groups is denormalised into a sequence of nodes. This decouples the lookup of phase functions from any concept of group, allowing arbitrary organisation of node hierarchies (not limited to group-specs).
Initial alpha release.