Releases: JohNan/homeassistant-wellbeing
v1.2.4 🌈
v1.2.3 🌈
- #105 Update pl.json @OldShaterhan
- #106 Reload entry fix @JohNan
- #103 Dutch translations -> Create NL.json @Roeli1996
- #108 Remove unused method @JohNan
- #109 Update @JohNan
- #110 Update token manager @JohNan
- #111 Update @JohNan
- #115 Code cleanup and dependency update @JohNan
- #116 Support for Pure 500 and adds more entities @JohNan
- #117 Update @JohNan
- #118 Code format @JohNan
v1.2.2 🌈
v1.2.1 🌈
Important information
To use this integration you need to login in to using your Electrolux account details and generate an API key, Access Token and Refresh Token that is needed in the configuration.
If the integrations fails to load after the update please remove and install it again.
Due to changes in the new API some features are no longer available as switches. The entities has a new attribute called capabilities
which shows what features that can be written to.
v1.2.0 🌈
Important information
To use this integration you need to login in to using your Electrolux account details and generate an API key, Access Token and Refresh Token that is needed in the configuration.
If the integrations fails to load after the update please remove and install it again.
Due to changes in the new API some features are no longer available as switches. The entities has a new attribute called capabilities
which shows what features that can be written to.
v1.0.18 🌈
v1.0.17 🌈
v1.0.16 🌈
- #83 Handling Error from the api-server @olanystrom
- #84 Use the same User-Agent as the app @JohNan