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Temporal fusion of raster image time-Series. R interface for the imagefusion framework, which provides implementation of the FITFC, ESTARFM and STARFM algorithms in C++.


When performing time-series analysis of remote-sensing data, one often faces the choice between the different sensors which produce freely available imagery.

  • High-Resolution: Images with a high spatial resolution but low temporal resolution (Sentinel, Landsat)
  • Low-Resolution: Images with a low spatial resolution and high temporal resolution (MODIS) This is a rough categorization, and the capabilities and number of platforms is great and ever increasing. This provides great opportunities but also the challenge on how to best combine different sources.


Fusion is a process by which we can combine information from two temporally overlapping time series to create a single time series with the temporal resolution of the Low-Resolution inputs and the spatial resolution of the High-Resolution inputs, resulting in an output time series with high spatial and high temporal resolution.

The basic principle is to seek pair-dates on which images for both time series are available, and finding the relation between both images on that date. The relation is then applied to those dates for which only Low_Resolution images are available. The details vary depending on the fusion algorithm. A variety of algorithms exist, and the ImageFusion framework is intended to be continuously extended by users and scientists.

So far, the following algorithms are implemented:



The package can be installed from GitHub :


ImageFusion is supported for and tested on Windows and Linux operating systems. Running ImageFusion on macOS is also possible, but may suffer from decreased performance and require additional work to install required dependencies.



The core of the package are functions for the algorithms ESTARFM, FITFC and STARFM.

Individual jobs can be executed using the estarfm_job, fitfc_joband starfm_job functions. These jobs require one or two pair dates on which both high and low resolution images are available. The pair dates support an interval and the job offer the fusion of images for all dates within this interval for which only low resolution images are available.

Some algorithms also offer a singlepair mode which allows fusion based on only a single pair. The FITFC algorithm operates exclusively in singlepair mode.

estarfm_job(input_filenames = list_of_input_filenames,
            input_resolutions = c("high","high","low","low","low","low",
              "low","low", "low","low","low","low"),
            input_dates = c(68,77,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77),
            pred_dates = c(72,74))

Here we pass all image filenames as a single input vector. The tags (whether they are high or low resolution) is a parallel vector of equal length and order. A third such vector passes the date for each image. Note how we have two dates (68 and 77) for which we have both "high" and "low" available. These dates will be used as pair dates.


For the creation of long time series of many pair dates, the function imagefusion_taskis available. This function automatically detects pair dates and splits the time-series task into as many jobs as is supported by the inputs.

imagefusion_task(filenames_high = list_of_high_resolution_filenames,
                 dates_high = c(68,77,93,100),
                 filenames_low = list_of_low_resolution_filenames,
                 dates_low = 68:93,
                 dates_pred = c(65,70,75,80,85,90,95))

For the creation of a task, we pass the high and low filenames and dates separately. Note that here we have multiple high-resolution images (68, 77, 93, 100) and multiple pair dates (68, 77, 93). The task will therefore be split up into different jobs, one for each interval.


ImageFusion also provides an additional utility function imginterp_task which allows for the linear interpolation of missing or masked values. We recommend to use this before the fusion to replace any missing or masked values, which usually results in a much better fusion result.

imginterp_task(filenames = list_of_input_images,dates = c(68,77,93,100))

File Handling

All functions in ImageFusionoperate from disk to disk - Input images are read using GDAL and output images are written into an output directory on disk. Note that the input images must be matching in spatial extent and resolution. We recommend to use getSpatialData package for automatized data download and the raster package or GDAL for the preprocessing.


Fusion is expensive and can take a long time for long time series using large images. ImageFusion is intended to allow the processing to be done in a reasonable time. The core algorithms are implemented in C++, exposed to R via Rcpp. If OPENMP support is available, it can be used for parallelization.


Additional packages are in development for the preprocessing before the fusion and the visualization and analysis of the fused time series. Check our website for latest developments.