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C+ Tutorial

Note: C+ uses spaces instead of tabs to make the language as simple as possible

Table of Contents


Syntax Overview

C+ vs Python vs Bash C+:

command subcommand(optional) argument1 argument2 argument3...


function(argument1 argument2 argument3...)


command argument1 argument2 argument3...


Displays Text to Terminal Window. Similar to Python print() command or bash echo command.


putln <text to display>


Asks user for input and stores input to user defined variable. Similar to Python input() command.


getinput <variable> <prompt>


Exits the program, arg1 will be return code. Similar to Python sys.exit() command or bash exit command.


exit <returncode (optional)>


Pauses to program, arg1 will be pause time (seconds). Similar to Python time.sleep() command or bash sleep command.


pause <seconds>


Runs a system command. Similar to Python os.system() command.


runcmd <command>



Sets a variable. Similar to Python varname = varvalue or bash varname=varvalue.


set <attributes> <variable name (cannot contain spaces)> <variable value>

Attributes are:

  • i: intiger, local
  • s: string, local
  • ig/gi: intiger, global
  • sg/gs: string, global

Taken Variable Names:

  • arg1 - arg9 - Arguments passed to the program.
  • hostname - For Checking Host Name.
  • hostip - For Checking Host IP Address.
  • exedir - For Directory the executable is in.
  • exeloc - For the location of the executable on the system.
  • operatingsystem - For your operating system.


Unsets a variable. Similar to Python del command.


unset <variable name>

Using Variables

To use a variable, do {variablename}.


putln Hello, {name}, you are handsome.


Only Single Line Comments are supported for now, and to start it, use //. Everything after // will be considered a comment and will not be read by the compiler. For a full line comment, start the line with //



libguimod is a modification that allows you to build gui applications.

Commands provided by libguimod:

gui setup - Sets up a GUI Main Window, arg1 will be application name.

gui createlabel - Creates a label (Text) inside main window.

gui createbutton - Creates a button inside main window. Uses arg1 as command (nocmd for no command), uses arg2 to end for button text.

gui run - Runs the GUI.


libfilemod is a modification that allows you manipulate files.

Commands provided by libfilemod:

filerw read - Reads a file, arg1 as filename and arg2 as the variable to save to. eg. filerw read newfile var, then var1 will be first line, var2 will be second line, etc.

filerw write - Writes to a file, arg1 as filename and arg2 as the text to write. If arg2 doesn't exist, it creates a blank file if the file doesn't exist.

filerw append - Appends to a file, arg1 as filename and arg2 as the text to append.

filerw delete - Deletes a file, arg1 as the filename to delete.

Conditions and Loops

C+ Features If, For, Forever, and While Loops.

If Else Syntax

This is used when you want to do something if a condition is true (for example, a variable is smaller or equal to 5).

IF condition THEN
 Do Something
 IF condition THEN
  Do Something (This part will be the same as else if)
  Do Something (The actual else)

For Loop Syntax

This is used when, for example, you want to do something how many times according to the number of letters in a string, then you can use this syntax:

FOR variable IN string DO
 Do Something

Forever Loop Syntax

This is used when you want to do something forever until program is terminated.

 Do Something

While Loop Syntax

This is used if you want to do something repetitively until a condition becomes false.

WHILE condition
 Do Something


Functions are an essensial part of programming, it is a group of reuseable commands that can be called using only one command.

Creating a function

To Create a Function, use the DEFFUNC Keyword like so.

DEFFUNC function_name
 Do Things...

Use fnarg{argumentnumber} for function argument access.

Calling a function

To call a function, just put the function name on a line like so.

function_name arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

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