This CLI tool will automatically generates VoID description as RDF for a public endpoint given its URL.
Building uses java 17 and maven 3.6+
mvn package
Or you can use one of the pre build releases.
- Always have permission from the endpoint hoster to run this program
- Always run this locally and directly on the endpoint, without cache/proxy servers in between
- If using virtuoso connecting via jdbc is much faster than connecting via http sparql protocol
- Check the help option for exact options.
Runs on a java 17+ jdk, see the help for how to use
java -jar target/void-generator-*uber.jar --help
java -jar target/void-generator-*uber.jar \
--user dba \
--password dba \
--virtuoso-jdbc=jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8 \ # note the localhost and "isql-t" port
-r "https://YOUR_SPARQL_ENDPOINT/sparql" \
-s void-file-locally-stored.ttl \
-i "https://YOUR_SPARQL_ENDPOINT/.well-known/void"
The IRI is supposed to be the URL of the published location of the void file/service description.
For any endpoint supporting the SPARQL protocol.
Example given here for the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint:
java -jar target/void-generator-*-uber.jar -r \
-p \
--void-file void-wikipathway.ttl \
--iri-of-void '' \
The command line options are there to turn off certain queries/void features that may not run in a reasonable time on specific endpoints. The default should be not to use any options.
When looking to generate shapes or code from a VoID file the main thing to look for are the void:classPartition
s. For most shape and programming languages when generating code you would want one shape
or object oriented class
for each of them.
These void:classPartitions
s will have void:predicatePartition
s and void:datatypePartition
s. The predicatePartions will lead to other resources (objects that are denoted by an IRI or BNode) while the datatypePartitions will lead to literal values.
The void:predicatePartition
s are objects of a triple where a void:subjectTarget
will be that triples predicate. The subject of that triple will also be a type void:LinkSet
and the void:objectTarget
will point to a different object of a void:classPartition
-Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true
Once the VoID description turtle file has been generated you can upload it to your endpoint and retrieve its information with the SPARQL queries below.
Without subject/objects count:
PREFIX up: <>
PREFIX void: <>
PREFIX void-ext: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectClass ?prop ?objectClass ?objectDatatype
?cp void:class ?subjectClass ;
void:propertyPartition ?pp .
?pp void:property ?prop .
?pp void:classPartition [ void:class ?objectClass ] .
?pp void-ext:datatypePartition [ void-ext:datatype ?objectDatatype ] .
?linkset void:subjectsTarget [ void:class ?subjectClass ] ;
void:linkPredicate ?prop ;
void:objectsTarget [ void:class ?objectClass ] .
With subject/objects count:
PREFIX up: <>
PREFIX void: <>
PREFIX void-ext: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectsCount ?subjectClass ?prop ?objectClass ?objectsCount ?objectDatatype
?cp void:class ?subjectClass ;
void:entities ?subjectsCount ;
void:propertyPartition ?pp .
?pp void:property ?prop .
?pp void:classPartition [ void:class ?objectClass ; void:triples ?objectsCount ] .
?pp void-ext:datatypePartition [ void-ext:datatype ?objectDatatype ] .
?linkset void:subjectsTarget [ void:class ?subjectClass ; void:entities ?subjectsCount ] ;
void:linkPredicate ?prop ;
void:objectsTarget [ void:class ?objectClass ; void:entities ?objectsCount ] .