Releases: JavaSaBr/jmonkeybuilder
Releases · JavaSaBr/jmonkeybuilder
- -Implemented D&D of controls in a model tree.
- -Implemented a setting to load compiled classes from any IDE to improve integration with IDE's.
- -Updated toneg0d.emitter library.
- -Added glTF converter.
- -Implemented auto-finding all available controls for the action to create a custom control.
- -Added to show custom objects from user data of Spatial on the property panel.
- -Included jME font creator plugin.
- -Added an action to create editable sky nodes in Model Editor.
- -Added image preview tooltips to Asset tree.
- -Improved usability and fixed a lot of little bugs with UI.
- -The project was migrated to gradle.
- -Implemented a plugin system. Now you can develop your own plugin for the Editor.
- -Added new UI theme.
- -Fixed bugs with flying camera.
- -Optimized the mechanism of resizing render window.
- -Updated settings of default j3s scene.
- -Fixed bugs with focus in scene editor.
- -Updated some property controls.
- -Implemented local/global/view transformation tools.
- -Optimized performance of terrain editing controls.
- -Fixed some problems with saving files.
- -Fixed copying files from the Editor to Nautilus(file explorer in Ubuntu).
- -Integrated global/local water filters to scene editor.
- -Added an action to menu "Clear Asset Cache" to clear native memory.
- -Downgraded the library spaceshift-extension to java 7, now we can use j3s in android projects.
- -Added some water filters to scene editor.
- -Fixed some bugs.
- -Added supporting macOS.
- -Updated icon-set to use only SVG icons and removed icons which were under GPLv2 license.
- -Added actions to a menu bar: About and Exit.
- -Implemented new light/dark themes and added an option to a settings dialog to choose it,
- -Added an option to a settings dialog to choose OpenGL version of jME render.
- -Added an option to a settings dialog to disable/enable stop a render on lost focus of a window of.
- -Improved auto-synchronizing of a workspace to handle more cases of external changes.
- -Fixed some bugs.
- -Implemented integration with built-in of jME3 particle system.
- -Added to send anonymous google analytics only about start/close application events if a user disable analytics.
- -Added an action to create a new material definition with a fragment and a vertex shader.
- -Updated UI.
- -Added handling shader errors to avoid application crashes, so now a user can edit shaders without worrying about an application crash.
- -Implemented autorefrsh opened material in the Material Editor when a user change a material defintion in the MD Editor or shaders in the GLSL editor.
- -Updated all dialogs.
- -Fixed some bugs.
- -Added an action to reset particle emitters.
- -Updated toneg0d.emitterNode to 2.2.2, updated the integration with this lib.
- -Updated UI.
- -Added an action 'Pause' to animation nodes, added information about animation length.
- -Started to use new extension library to integrate custom classes with the editor:
- -Updated jME libraries.
- -Updated LWJGL libraries to 3.1.2 version.
- -Added support the AssetLinkNode.
- -Added DE language.
- -Added auto checking new versions of the Editor on application start.
- -Added a button to show/hide render statistics in the model/scene editors.
- -Changed the logic of using material names in exporting materials during converting models.
- -Implemented the first part of scripting. Added scripting panel to the model/scene editor.
- -Fixed some bugs.
- -Updated styles of all dialogs.
- -Implemented image view/preview of .dds and .hdr images.
- -Added tooltips for some actions in an editor toolbar.
- -Small UI fixes for Material Editor.
- -Implemented flying on a scene using WASD + middle mouse button.
- -Added a dialog with some settings of converting models.
- -Moved the Log View to bottom.
- -Some updates of representation a motion control.
- -Reduced cell height in the asset tree and the model tree.
- -Added detail information about meshes.
- -Implemented D&D models from the asset tree to the model tree.
- Video
- -Updated jME libraries.
- -Added an action to switch off|on showing audio/light models in the scene editor.
- -Added an action to create terrain.
- -Implemented terrain editing.
- -Updated the toneg0d.emitterNode library with some optimizations.
- -Updated working with particle nodes.
- -Fixed some bugs.
- Video
- -Added a bullet app state to scene editor.
- -Added supporting debug physics to a bullet app state.
- -Added supporting editing rigid/vehicle/character controls.
- -Added actions to make collision shapes.
- -Added supporting creating/editing vehicle wheels.
- -Updated working with layers in scene editor.
- -Some fixes and improvements.
- Video
- -Implemented scene filters editing and provided API to support custom filters.
- -Added some build in filters.
- -Fixed problems with custom classpath.
- -Implemented D&D models from asset tree to model/scene editor.
- -Implemented renaming lights in model/scene editor.
- -Re-implemented working with scene layers.
- -Implemented more user-friendly light editing in scene/model editor.
- -Updated API for custom app states.
- -Updated file selector dialogs, added some actions to a context menu.
- -Updated a grid in scene/model editor.
- -Added auto move editor's camera to selected node.
- -Implemented D&D materials from asset tree to model/scene editor.
- -Implemented D&D textures from asset tree to material editor.
- -Added hotkeys(R/G/S) to switch a manipulator mode in scene/model editor.
- -Added hotkey(delete) to delete a selected node from scene/model editor.
- -Implemented D&D audio files from asset tree to audio data property in model/scene editor.
- -Implemented control editing and provided API to support custom controls.