Compressing the directories to be transferred in .tar.gz
format is faster and more efficient than using the native Windows zip feature. In PowerShell, use the following:
tar -czvf [directory].tar.gz -C [directory] .
mkdir -p [directory]
tar -xvf [directory].tar.gz -C [directory]
On the air-gapped network, load all Docker images with the following:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.tar | foreach { docker load -i $_ }
The URL in the Build-WslCache script does not point to the latest kernel required by Docker Desktop.
This GitHub Issue Comment identifies how to obtain the latest version:
For users coming here from a Google search for WSL2 Kernel Upgrade:
Download the latest kernel from here:
Open and extract the update to your desktop
Load a command prompt with elevated privileges (Start --> cmd --> Right-click --> Run as Administrator)
Run these commands in the command prompt:
cd C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\ wsl --shutdown wsl_update_x64.msi wsl uname -r
This should update the kernel and show you the latest running version.