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PHP-FPM Ansible Role


This role installs a PHP-FPM server.



  • Bind to a Unix socket.
  • Install the required PHP modules.
  • Enable OPCache and allows memory limit configuration.
  • Hide PHP version.
  • Clean up the default site.
  • Log in Systemd journal.


  • Harden PHP configuration and runtime.
  • Run in a Systemd sandbox with unprivileged workers.
  • Work with SElinux enforced.
  • Enable Fail2ban jails.





Name Default Value Description
php_fpm_domain Site domain.


Name Default Value Description
php_disable_classes If set to a list of classe names, set the disable_class value to php.ini. This disable some class and to improve the security.
php_disable_functions true If set to true, set the disable_functions value to php.ini to include function in php_disable_functions_disallow that are not in php_disable_functions_allow. This disable some internal functions to improve the security.
php_disable_functions_allow [] See php_disable_functions. List of function to always allow.
php_disable_functions_disallow [chdir, chmod, dbase_open, dbmopen, exec, filepro, filepro_rowcount, filepro_retrieve, fopen_with_path, highlight_file, mkdir, move_uploaded_file, passthru, phpinfo, popen, posix_mkfifo, proc_open, putenv, rename, rmdir, shell_exec, show_source, system] See php_disable_functions. List of function disallow by default.
php_doc_root If set to a path, set the doc_root value to php.ini. PHP's root directory on the server.
php_extension_dir If set to a path, set the extension_dir value to php.ini. Directory where PHP look for dynamically loadable extensions. Should be restricted to improve security.
php_file_uploads false If set to true, allow files upload in PHP.
php_fpm_group nginx Unix group that will access to PHP-FPM.
php_fpm_inaccessible_paths Space separated list of absolutes paths to make inaccessible from the PHP-FPM service.
php_fpm_bind_paths Space separated list of absolutes paths to bind read-write (To use with php_fpm_temporary_file_system).
php_fpm_bind_read_only_paths Space separated list of absolutes paths to bind read-only (To use with php_fpm_temporary_file_system).
php_fpm_log_level warning PHP-FPM log level in the journal.
php_fpm_max_requests 1000 The number of requests each child process should execute before respawning. 0 to disable.
php_fpm_request_terminate_timeout 300 The timeout for serving a single request after which the worker process will be killed. 0 to disable.
php_fpm_user nginx Unix user that will access to PHP-FPM.
php_fpm_site site Site name.
php_hardening true If true, install Snuffleupagus package to improve PHP default security.
php_include_path If set to a list of paths, set the include_path value to php.ini. Directory where some PHP functions looks for files. Should be restricted to improve security.
php_memory_limit 128M PHP memory limit.
php_modules [] PHP modules to install (Fedora packages names without php-, example: [apcu, pgsql]).
php_opcache_interned_strings_buffer 8 The amount of memory used to store interned strings. Default to the default PHP value.
php_open_basedir If set to a list of paths, set the open_basedir value to php.ini. Limit the files that can be accessed by PHP to the specified directory-trees. Should be restricted to improve security but disable the realpath cache.
php_fpm_read_write_paths Space separated list of absolutes paths mark as read-write.
php_remi_repository false If true, install the Remi repository. This give access to more PHP modules.
php_upload_max_filesize 2M PHP maximum upload and post size. Should be lower than php_memory_limit.
php_upload_tmp_dir If set to a path, set the upload_tmp_dir value to php.ini. Must be in php_open_basedir if set. Default to PHP-FPM service restricted /tmp.
php_session_cookie_path If set to a path, set the session.cookie_path value to php.ini. Specifies path to set in the session cookie.
php_session_referer_check If set to a string, set the session.referer_check value to php.ini. Contains the substring you want to check each HTTP Referer for. Should be specified to improve security.
php_session_sid_bits_per_character 6 Session SID characters. Default to 6 to improve security. Set to 5 in case of compatibility issue.
php_session_sid_length 32 Session SID size. Value can be up to 256. Higher value improve security but may lead to compatibility issues. Default to a reasonable and compatible value.
php_fpm_temporary_file_system Space separated list of absolutes paths to mount as tmpfs, add :ro to path to mount read-only. Use php_fpm_bind_read_only_paths and php_fpm_bind_paths to bind directories inside theses paths.
php_version * PHP version specification, with * wildcard support. Get the latest version available on Remi repository (Example: * to match the latest version, 8.* to match the latest PHP 8 version, 8.2 to match exactly the PHP 8.2 version).

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: true
    - jgoutin.home
    - php_fpm