The session was run in the related miro board
Position | POC |
Chair | Saman Michael Far |
Secretary | Lorenzo Bruno |
SME | Alex Apeldoorn |
SME | Zachary Soesbee |
SME | Dynal Patel |
SME | Alexandru Dochioiu |
SME | Bartłomiej Kącicki |
SME | Adam Dean |
SME | Maciej Krasowski |
- review actions + decisions from the last session
- review proposed process
- start to brainstorm goals
- define meeting cadence for the next 2/3 weeks
- The group reviewed the proposed process to create the first set of goals, outcomes, and proposed budget and agreed to start it.
- During the session the group started the brainstorming and discussion for the first step of process, definition of goals
- The group agreed to meet twice a week for the following weeks