diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 83d077f782..79c36acaa8 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ repos:
rev: 4.0.1
- id: flake8
- args: ["--exclude=lmdeploy/turbomind/triton_models/*,lmdeploy/pytorch/modeling/*", "--max-line-length=79"]
+ args: ["--exclude=examples/python/*", "--max-line-length=79"]
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
rev: 5.11.5
diff --git a/examples/__init__.py b/examples/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/examples/python/api_eval.sh b/examples/python/api_eval.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b510145b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python/api_eval.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+export no_proxy=localhost,
+export PORT=${PORT}
+torchrun \
+ --nnodes=1 \
+ --node_rank=0 \
+ --master_addr= \
+ --nproc_per_node=8 \
+ --master_port=${MASTER_PORT} \
+ examples/python/evaluate_mmmu_prm.py --out-dir ./output \
+ --datasets MMMU_validation --infer-times 64 --cot \
+ --url \
+ --model-name InternVL2_5-78B
diff --git a/examples/python/evaluate_mmmu_prm.py b/examples/python/evaluate_mmmu_prm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d59441841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python/evaluate_mmmu_prm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+import argparse
+import base64
+import itertools
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import time
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from datetime import timedelta
+from functools import partial
+from io import BytesIO
+import torch
+from datasets import concatenate_datasets, load_dataset
+from openai import OpenAI
+from tqdm import tqdm
+ 'acc': 'Accounting',
+ 'agri': 'Agriculture',
+ 'arch': 'Architecture_and_Engineering',
+ 'art': 'Art',
+ 'art_theory': 'Art_Theory',
+ 'bas_med': 'Basic_Medical_Science',
+ 'bio': 'Biology',
+ 'chem': 'Chemistry',
+ 'cli_med': 'Clinical_Medicine',
+ 'cs': 'Computer_Science',
+ 'design': 'Design',
+ 'diag_med': 'Diagnostics_and_Laboratory_Medicine',
+ 'econ': 'Economics',
+ 'elec': 'Electronics',
+ 'ep': 'Energy_and_Power',
+ 'fin': 'Finance',
+ 'geo': 'Geography',
+ 'his': 'History',
+ 'liter': 'Literature',
+ 'manage': 'Manage',
+ 'mark': 'Marketing',
+ 'mate': 'Materials',
+ 'math': 'Math',
+ 'mech': 'Mechanical_Engineering',
+ 'music': 'Music',
+ 'phar': 'Pharmacy',
+ 'phys': 'Physics',
+ 'psy': 'Psychology',
+ 'pub_health': 'Public_Health',
+ 'socio': 'Sociology'
+def encode_image(image):
+ # with open(image, "rb") as image_file:
+ # return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8')
+ if isinstance(image, str):
+ if image.startswith('/'):
+ with open(image, 'rb') as image_file:
+ return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ image_data = tcs_loader(image)
+ buffered = BytesIO()
+ image_data.save(buffered, format='PNG')
+ # image_data.save(os.path.basename(image),format="PNG")
+ return base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ image_data = image
+ buffered = BytesIO()
+ image_data.save(buffered, format='PNG')
+ # image_data.save(os.path.basename(image),format="PNG")
+ return base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
+def parse_img_path(text):
+ matches = re.findall("
", text)
+ return matches
+def process_single_sample(data):
+ question = data['question']
+ o_imgs_paths = []
+ for option in data['options']:
+ current_o_imgs_paths = parse_img_path(option)
+ for img_path in current_o_imgs_paths:
+ o_imgs_paths.append(img_path)
+ images = [
+ data['image_1'], data['image_2'], data['image_3'], data['image_4'],
+ data['image_5'], data['image_6'], data['image_7']
+ ]
+ return {
+ 'id': data['id'],
+ 'question': question,
+ 'options': data['options'],
+ 'answer': data['answer'],
+ 'image': images,
+ 'question_type': data['question_type']
+ }
+def openai_chat(client,
+ question,
+ model_name,
+ generate_config,
+ image=None,
+ sys_prompt=None):
+ messages = [{
+ 'role': 'user',
+ 'content': [
+ {
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'text': question,
+ },
+ ],
+ }]
+ if sys_prompt:
+ messages = [{'role': 'system', 'content': sys_prompt}] + messages
+ # start_time = time.time()
+ if image:
+ base64_images = [encode_image(image=img) for img in image]
+ # print("读取图片时间:", time.time()-start_time)
+ # start_time = time.time()
+ # execution_time = end_time - start_time
+ for base64_image in base64_images:
+ messages[-1]['content'].append({
+ 'type': 'image_url',
+ 'image_url': {
+ 'url': f'data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}',
+ 'max_dynamic_patch': 12
+ }
+ })
+ count = 0
+ while count < 5:
+ try:
+ response = client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+ messages=messages,
+ **generate_config)
+ return response.choices[0].message.content
+ except Exception as e:
+ count += 1
+ print(e)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ds_collections = {
+ 'MMMU_validation': {
+ 'root': 'MMMU/MMMU',
+ 'max_new_tokens': 10,
+ 'min_new_tokens': 1,
+ 'split': 'validation'
+ },
+ 'MMMU_test': {
+ 'root': 'MMMU/MMMU',
+ 'max_new_tokens': 10,
+ 'min_new_tokens': 1,
+ 'split': 'test'
+ },
+ 'MMMU_dev': {
+ 'root': 'MMMU/MMMU',
+ 'max_new_tokens': 10,
+ 'min_new_tokens': 1,
+ 'split': 'dev'
+ },
+def collate_fn(batches, tokenizer=None):
+ images = [_['image'] for _ in batches]
+ questions = [_['question'] for _ in batches]
+ answers = [_['answer'] for _ in batches]
+ data_ids = [_['data_id'] for _ in batches]
+ options = [_['option'] for _ in batches]
+ question_types = [_['question_type'] for _ in batches]
+ return images, questions, answers, data_ids, options, question_types
+vars_to_remove = ['HTTP_PROXY', 'HTTPS_PROXY', 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy']
+def unset_env_vars(vars_to_unset):
+ """Temporarily unset specific environment variables."""
+ removed_vars = {}
+ for var in vars_to_unset:
+ if var in os.environ:
+ # 保存当前环境变量的值,以便稍后恢复
+ removed_vars[var] = os.environ.pop(var)
+ return removed_vars
+def restore_env_vars(removed_vars):
+ """Restore the previously unset environment variables."""
+ os.environ.update(removed_vars)
+class MMMUDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ root,
+ split,
+ ):
+ # run for each subject
+ sub_dataset_list = []
+ for subject in tqdm(CAT_SHORT2LONG.values()):
+ sub_dataset = load_dataset(root,
+ subject,
+ split=split,
+ cache_dir=os.path.join(os.getcwd()))
+ sub_dataset_list.append(sub_dataset)
+ # merge all dataset
+ self.data = concatenate_datasets(sub_dataset_list)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ data = process_single_sample(self.data[idx])
+ data_id = data['id']
+ question = data['question'].strip()
+ pil_images = data['image']
+ question_type = data['question_type']
+ choices = eval(data['options'])
+ answer = data['answer'] if 'answer' in data else None
+ choice_list = []
+ options = {}
+ multiple_choices = [
+ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M'
+ ]
+ for i, c in enumerate(choices):
+ choice_list.append('{}. {}'.format(multiple_choices[i], c.strip()))
+ options[multiple_choices[i]] = c.strip()
+ choice_txt = '\n'.join(choice_list)
+ images = []
+ for idx, pil_image in enumerate(pil_images):
+ if pil_image is not None:
+ images.append(pil_image)
+ # pixel_values = [self.transform(image) for image in images]
+ # pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values)
+ if len(choice_txt) > 0:
+ question += '\n' + choice_txt
+ # question += '\n' + self.prompt[question_type]
+ question = question.strip()
+ return {
+ 'question': question,
+ 'image': images,
+ 'answer': answer,
+ 'option': options,
+ 'data_id': data_id,
+ 'question_type': question_type
+ }
+class InferenceSampler(torch.utils.data.sampler.Sampler):
+ def __init__(self, size):
+ self._size = int(size)
+ assert size > 0
+ self._rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
+ self._world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()
+ self._local_indices = self._get_local_indices(size, self._world_size,
+ self._rank)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_local_indices(total_size, world_size, rank):
+ shard_size = total_size // world_size
+ left = total_size % world_size
+ shard_sizes = [shard_size + int(r < left) for r in range(world_size)]
+ begin = sum(shard_sizes[:rank])
+ end = min(sum(shard_sizes[:rank + 1]), total_size)
+ return range(begin, end)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self._local_indices
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._local_indices)
+def evaluate_chat_model():
+ prompt = {
+ 'multiple-choice':
+ "Answer with the option's letter from the given choices directly.",
+ 'open': 'Answer the question using a single word or phrase.'
+ }
+ cot_prompt = {
+ 'multiple-choice': (
+ r"Answer the preceding multiple choice question. The last line of your response should follow this format: 'Answer: \boxed{$LETTER}' (without quotes), "
+ 'where LETTER is one of the options. If you are uncertain or the problem is too complex, '
+ 'make a reasoned guess based on the information provided. '
+ 'Avoid repeating steps indefinitely—provide your best guess even if unsure. '
+ 'Think step by step logically, considering all relevant information before answering.'
+ '\n\n'
+ 'Question:'
+ '\n\n'
+ # "{question}"
+ ),
+ 'open': (
+ r"Answer the preceding question. The last line of your response should follow this format: 'Answer: \boxed{$FINAL_ANSWER}' (without quotes),' "
+ "where 'FINAL_ANSWER' is your conclusion based on the reasoning provided. "
+ 'If you are uncertain or the problem is too complex, make a reasoned guess based on the information provided. '
+ 'Avoid repeating steps indefinitely—provide your best guess even if unsure. '
+ 'Think step by step logically, considering all relevant information before answering.'
+ '\n\n'
+ 'Question:'
+ '\n\n'
+ # "{question}"
+ )
+ }
+ random.seed(args.seed)
+ # if args.cot:
+ # prompt['multiple-choice']=''
+ # prompt['open']=''
+ for ds_name in args.datasets:
+ dataset = MMMUDataset(
+ root=ds_collections[ds_name]['root'],
+ split=ds_collections[ds_name]['split'],
+ )
+ dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+ dataset=dataset,
+ sampler=InferenceSampler(len(dataset)),
+ batch_size=args.batch_size,
+ num_workers=args.num_workers,
+ pin_memory=True,
+ drop_last=False,
+ collate_fn=partial(collate_fn),
+ )
+ outputs = []
+ # count = 0
+ for _, (images, questions, answers, data_ids, options,
+ question_types) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
+ generation_config = dict(
+ max_tokens=ds_collections[ds_name]['max_new_tokens']
+ if not args.cot else 20000,
+ temperature=args.temperature,
+ )
+ if args.cot:
+ question = cot_prompt[question_types[0]] + questions[0]
+ else:
+ question = questions[0] + prompt[question_types[0]]
+ if len(images) > 1:
+ question = '\n'.join(
+ [f'Image-{i}: {IMAGE_TOKEN}'
+ for i in range(len(images))]) + '\n' + question
+ # print(f'[evaluate_chat_model] {len(images)} images')
+ # print(f'[evaluate_chat_model] {question}')
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.infer_times +
+ 1) as executor:
+ now = time.perf_counter()
+ futures = [
+ executor.submit(openai_chat, clients[0], question,
+ model_name, generation_config, images[0])
+ for i in range(args.infer_times)
+ ]
+ print(
+ f'[evaluate_chat_model] submitting {len(futures)} tasks cost {time.perf_counter() -now } s'
+ )
+ now = time.perf_counter()
+ k_preds = [future.result() for future in futures]
+ print(
+ f'[evaluate_chat_model] waiting for {len(k_preds)} predictions cost {time.perf_counter() -now } s'
+ )
+ # print(f'[evaluate_chat_model] predictions: {k_preds}')
+ print(
+ f'[evaluate_chat_model] random choose predition {random.choice(k_preds)}'
+ )
+ k_preds = [k_preds]
+ # if len(options[0]) == 0:
+ # preds = [pred]
+ # else:
+ # preds = [post_process(pred, options[0])]
+ for question, pred, answer, data_id, option in zip(
+ questions, k_preds, answers, data_ids, options):
+ outputs.append({
+ 'question': question,
+ 'output': pred,
+ 'gt_answers': answer,
+ 'data_id': data_id,
+ 'option': option
+ })
+ torch.distributed.barrier()
+ world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()
+ merged_outputs = [None for _ in range(world_size)]
+ torch.distributed.all_gather_object(merged_outputs,
+ json.dumps(outputs))
+ merged_outputs = [json.loads(_) for _ in merged_outputs]
+ merged_outputs = [
+ _ for _ in itertools.chain.from_iterable(merged_outputs)
+ ]
+ if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
+ print(f'Evaluating {ds_name} ...')
+ time_prefix = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime())
+ results_file = f'{ds_name}_{args.infer_times}_cot_{time_prefix}.json' if args.cot else f'{ds_name}_{args.infer_times}_{time_prefix}.json'
+ output_path = os.path.join(args.out_dir, results_file)
+ outputs = {}
+ for item in merged_outputs:
+ outputs[item['data_id']] = item
+ with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(outputs, f, indent=4)
+ print('Results saved to {}'.format(output_path))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str, default='')
+ parser.add_argument('--datasets', type=str, default='MMMU_dev')
+ parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument('--num-workers', type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument('--num-beams', type=int, default=5)
+ parser.add_argument('--temperature', type=float, default=0.0)
+ parser.add_argument('--out-dir', type=str, default='results')
+ parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument('--dynamic', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--max-num', type=int, default=6)
+ parser.add_argument('--load-in-8bit', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--load-in-4bit', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--auto', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--cot', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--infer-times', type=int, default=32)
+ parser.add_argument('--url', type=str, default='lmdeploy_url')
+ parser.add_argument('--model-name', type=str, default='InternVL2_5-78B')
+ args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
+ if args.infer_times > 1:
+ args.num_beams = 1
+ args.temperature = 1.0
+ else:
+ args.temperature = 0.0
+ if not os.path.exists(args.out_dir):
+ os.makedirs(args.out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ args.datasets = args.datasets.split(',')
+ print('datasets:', args.datasets)
+ assert args.batch_size == 1, 'Only batch size 1 is supported'
+ torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='gloo',
+ world_size=int(
+ os.getenv('WORLD_SIZE', '1')),
+ rank=int(os.getenv('RANK', '0')),
+ timeout=timedelta(days=1))
+ torch.cuda.set_device(int(os.getenv('LOCAL_RANK', 0)))
+ urls = [
+ # "",
+ args.url
+ ]
+ model_name = args.model_name
+ clients = [
+ OpenAI(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY', base_url=url, timeout=None)
+ for url in urls
+ ]
+ evaluate_chat_model()