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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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⚠️ 记得完成每日学习证明后,去 README.MD 文档最下面的「英语残酷共学记录表」更新自己的每日证明 ✅。如果请假请标记 ⭕️ ,如果未请假被助教检查没有完成学习证明,将被标记 ❌ 失败。

为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


My name is leo, I am a new programer for back-end develop. English is fundmental to understand the whole world, there are so many develop doucuments written by english. I whill try my best to complete this project and learn english with great person together.

Do you think you will finish the whole CoLearning program?

[Yes 100%]


2024.6.24 英语学习指南

1.做好 Benchmark 并设置目标

  • 当前阅读词汇量 5189
  • 当前听说能力 - 不如外国小学生
  • 目标:养成习惯,语言学习需要日积月累



  •  Grammarly 语法检测,写作辅助
  •  YouGlish  ,会搜索 Youtube 上面包含当前单词的视频,这样发音更贴合日常对话 - 这个可以日常多使用,通过句子学习单词
  • google translate 翻译识别/纠正读音
  • Youtube 优秀素材,找名人演讲

2024.6.24 听说练习


  • Mother telsa who receive the noble peace prize for her work on behave of poor when she was 85 years old.
  • jerry, what time do you have? I heve five o’clock.
  • there are three things i have never discuss with people,宗教,政治,great ?
  • don‘t let somebody tell you,you can’t do some.
  • i have come here to choose bubble gun and kick your ass and all other


  • Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.
  • jerry, what time do you have? I heve five o’clock.
  • There are three things i have learned never discuss with people,religion,politics and the great pumpkin
  • Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
  • I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and i‘m all out of bubblegum!


  • on behalf of 代表
  • dies 为什么不用过去式 died ? 因为这是新闻介绍当时的情况
  • religion 宗教
  • politics 政治
  • pumpkin 南瓜 great pumpkin :a symbol of strong faith and foolish faith
  • the pursuit of happiness 《当幸福来敲门》,精彩的翻译,但其实是你去敲幸福的门。
  • let : allow 允许
  • something = some'm

2024.6.25 从0开始学习英语语法


  • i seek all life just leave all the moment
  • another roll has cost bank billons.
  • germen which is the man with most pick he has got 453.


  • the secret of life is just to live every moment.
  • another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.
  • german,xx,is the man with the most piercings,he’s got 453.


  • segement 片段,汇编语言里有这个概念
    • Example: People over the age of 85 make up the fastest-growing segment of the population.
  • trader - stock broker 交易员
    • Example: He is a well-known trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
  • rogue a dishonest or unprincipled person 流氓
    • Example: a rogue state



  • discover twenty yerars ago fall to earth,but nobody konws where the will land
  • It's a probobly impossiable goal.
  • New york ,in the day night double hit wesday


  • A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago. is about to fall to earth , but nobody konws where the debris will hit.
  • It's a lofty probably impossible goal!
  • New york swept the tampa bay rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night double header wednesday.


  • about to sth. = ready to do sth.
  • shuttle 航空飞机
  • Debris 残骸
  • lofty = high, tall
  • swept
  • identical
  • 第三句话太难了,新闻类出现专用词就大段大段听不懂,目前还是要多听对话才行,不强求新闻能听懂了。


muppets 木偶


  • 1943,creater of muppets from is born in 密西西比.
  • Asian tiger 蚊子 but the past few years they're
  • Cats repeat and he clearly wanted to here in new york city


  • Jim henson,creator of The muppets —— from kermit frog to sesame street —— is born in greenville,mississippi!
  • Asian tiger mosquiter/skeeters are native to the tropics of Southeast but in the past few years they‘re spead all across the southeastern United States.
  • Cats reputedly have 9 lives and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New york city.




  • changes every average, unable to concentrate
  • 菲律宾is hitting by second typhoon on a week
  • A few years age,they were thought to be useless —— pass not now.


  • The frantic pacing scene changes every 11 seconds on average--often leaves kid zoned out and spun up unable to concentrate
  • Batttered,soaked and flooded;the phili is being hit by its second typhoon in a week.
  • A few years age,they were thought to be useless pass —— not now.




ultra light plane 微型飞机

  • If you are breathing,it is not too lage,get up and get going.
  • A 67 years old grandpa has been found alive after been six days
  • Saturday,an ultra light plane crash in Australia somehow no one has hurted


  • If you are breathing,it is not too lage,get up and get going.
  • -A 67 years old grandpa has been found alive after been stuck for six days at the bottom of a ravine.
  • Saturday,an ultra light plane crashed into a Ferris Wheel at a rural festival in Asutrlia yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt.



cross eyed 斗鸡眼


  • haidi won the world over with her cure but confused look.
  • The project put them online completely by 2016


  • haidi won the world over with her forever cure but slightly confused look.
  • The project to put them online is expected be completed by 2016.


  • expected / thoughted to be
  • anticipated



  • SAT cheating high school six students.
  • take the world series at the start the game.


  • An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island high school, This college student is accused of taking the college entrance exam for at least six students.
  • St louis takes the world series opener on a cool night. It was 49 at the start of the game.
  • They searched for the missing throughout the night under generator-power flood lights as family members waited by the mounds of debris some in teers.


  • prestigious
    • honorable / important / famous
  • be accused of
    • the prosecutor think sb done
  • mound of debris
    • a large pile of earth


trick or treat 10.3 Halloween 万圣节 pilot 飞行员


  • These is kind of things you look forward to instead of some it's work , because of fun.
  • superhero suit as usual this year, espically movie like sour or green light.
  • It's a pain cause my 冰箱 today and food gone.
  • he says he was simply going by the book when landing without , and that he pilot


  • It's the kind of thing you look forward to instead of you know, some workouts you dread and you think of it as work and this is just fun!
  • superhero costumes as usual are big this year, espically from recent movies like Thor or green lantern.
  • It' a pain cause my fridge is I dumped it today and the food is gone.
  • He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear, and he and his fellow pilots train for these types of incidents.



broccoli 西兰花 Occupy wall Street 华尔街 fukashima 福岛


  • It a vegtable some love to hate, but now a new broccoli super broccoli may protect even some can
  • shutdown saturday attraction or drug
  • The goeverment thiry years and it could be decades before near by the


  • It is the vegetable some love to hate! But now a new breed of broccoli super broccili developed in Britain some may protect against heart disease even some kinds of cancer.
  • Mayor Sam adams ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thieves.
  • A preliminaary goeverment report predicts it‘ll take thiry years and it could be decades before near by residents who were forced to flee can return to the area.




  • chiar broken glass other i dont want get into , but it was xx at least.
  • toyota is recalling more than half a million verhicle because difficult to
  • it' great , it's some and i see a long here


  • I was lifting, you know , chairs out of the way, broken glass other sanitary items I don't want to get into, but uh, it was, horrific to say the least!
  • toyota is recalling more than half a million verhicles for problems that could make them difficult to steer.
  • It's great it's been a little bit nerve-wracking, and it's been a long process to get here.




  • When the family left by boat,but the boat pirates. father locate his son in tailand.
  • traffic busy tanks deivers away for 30 miles each side


  • When the family left Vietnam by boat, bound for Thailand, but the boat was intercepted by pirates, after years of trying, the father located his son in Thailand.
  • A gooey mess snarls traffice along the busy Pennsy Turnpike. A leaking valve on a tanker spread deiveway sealant across a 40 mile stretch of the eastbound side.


  • intercepte

  • bound for 前往

  • stretch

  • sealant 密封剂



  • The music is been played at church in germany , and well it really his name , since it start it have been 11 and the next one is up to July 2012.

  • Dozens of white rabbits were road on sunday night , more than 60 bunnys were on the shoulder.


  • The music is bing played at a church in Germany, and well, it really lives up to its name Since it started, there have been just 11 chord changes and the next one isn't scheduled untile July 2012!
  • Dozens of white rabbits were apparently dumped along the side of the road sunday night , more than 60 bunnies were scattered on the shoulder


  • concert 音乐会
  • live up to
    • 名副其实
  • chord 和弦
  • GOOD Samaritans 乐善好施
  • apparently
  • scatter
  • dumped
    • I was dumped yesterday
    • a landfill
  • pull over 靠边停车
  • shoulder 路肩,公路的应急车道



  • So one of the lie I came across, IF you always down , or if you always do, if you always done, you always get what you got, so brilient lie.
  • Her story has inspired others from xx to xx to pay off the bills to complete strangers in these days before chrismas , holiday shoppers who heard the layaways , says this way of act kindness effect their faith in people.


  • There's a wonderful line I came across: If you are always done, or If you always do what you're always done, you'll always get what you're always got, It's a brilliant Line!
  • Her story has inspired others from xx to xx to pay off the bills of complete strangers in these days before christmas , holiday shoppers who heard about the layaway santas, say the sweeping acts of kindness have restored their faith in people.


  • speech/presentation
  • came across 碰见
  • layaway 分期付款
  • sweep 打扫,清扫,扫除
  • restore 使恢复;使复原



I think it's apparent i need to rethink my life a little bit. What's the problem? First of all, I am a rat , Whick means life is hard, and second ,I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell .

  • Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean small twist of lemon
  • you can smell all that?you have a gift
  • This is emile , my brother. He's easily impressed.
  • so you can smell ingredients?
  • He also happens to be the leader of our clan.
  • so what's wrong with having highly developed senses?


  • I've been in the hospital for 120 days now. My strength has almost recovered. The movement is still a little difficult, but i can perform my duties. Please let me return to my post soon.


  • I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit.
  • First of all
  • Second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell
  • have a gift 有天赋
  • ingredient 原料
  • happen to be 恰好是
  • perform sb duty



  • they slay, to his team give a whistle, and the way they all flu down like a . but I heard clearly when he drop out sight, happy christmas to all, and to all the good night.
  • George, You know my friend goes to a x ,
  • Realy? ah, We should go sometime, I like to go , make the pointment.


  • He sprang to his sleigh to his team give a whistle! And away they all flew like the down of a thistle BUT I heard hime exclaim as he drove out of sight. Happy christmas to all, and to all the good night.
  • George, You know my friend goes to a psychic ,
  • Really? ah, We should go sometime, I'd love to go , make an appointment.


  • sprang spring 的过去式
  • flew fly的过去式
  • thistle (叶带尖刺,多开紫色花)
  • exclaim 因吃惊、害怕、喜悦等)呼喊,惊叫
  • psychic
  • appointment 约会;预约;约定
    • make an appointment




  • Dad i beat you don't you remember pingpang.
  • ray i went to in KOREAN from KOREAN. Do you think some of p beat me? OH dad you
  • i am damn acter.
  • Hi,Is cold out?
  • For more than three hundred years,the power of french king is absoulte,this meant that he had the power to do anything.


  • Dad, I beat you. Don't you remember the Rayman spinball?
  • Ray i learned to play in Korea. From Koreans. Do you think some punk kid's gonna actally beat me?
  • NO, dad, you were trying to win. You were sweating and panting.
  • I m a damn fine actor.
  • Hey,Is it cold out?
  • For more than three hundred years,the power of the french king is absolute,this meant that he had the power to do anything.


  • racket 球拍
  • 询问天气
  • Is it hot out?
  • Is it muggy out?
  • Is it humid out?
  • Is it slippery out?



  • 1873 all the board that mind the gap is the world first underground passgener railway opens in Lodon.
  • And why would you want get to there?
  • I know it's hard but it's to take my fantasy.


  • 1863 "all aboard but mind the gap" as the world's first underground passenger railway opens in London.
  • And why do you wanna go there?
  • I know it's had a bad press recently, but it's the place that's taken my fancy!


  • all aboard 上船(或飞机、公共汽车、火车等)
    • conductors 指挥者
  • bad press
    • bad news, negative story about country



  • There are people running and walking their dogs having lanch on the
  • Martin luther king raise begin in 1955 when he ahead public drivers on.


  • There are people running and walking their dogs having brunch on the patio
  • Martin luther king rise as a civil rights leader began in 1955 when he spearheaded th drive to desegregate public buses in Montaomery alabama.


  • patio
    • an outdoor space generally used for dining or recreation
  • brunch
  • spearheaded
    • lead sth. 先锋,带头
  • desegregate 废除…中的种族隔离
  • separate 各自的,单独的



  • Under consideration in washton have some website wikipedia boing, and reddit say there're have none of it have wedsday
  • There are usually about three shark attack on people around Austlia on a year. in 2012, the country have seen three attack already in January and even finish year.


  • Anti-piracy legislation under considertation in washingtoin has some websites in a tizzy, wikipedia, boing booing and reddit say they'll have none of it and are blacking out their sites on wednsday.
  • There are usually about three shark attacks on people in and around Austlia all year. in 2012, the country has seen three attacks already and January isn't even finished , yet.


  • legislation 法律,立法
  • in a tizzy
    • angry
  • black out 遮挡
  • in and around