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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘
- ❤️ 最后 1 天复盘总结。
- Developer.
- Web3 builder.
The purpose of learning English is to have fluent listening and speaking skills and be able to communicate with other web3 enthusiasts in the world.This field is currently developing rapidly, and English-speaking people are one of the main driving forces.
Wish everyone gain something~
Maybe 90%
- _ terisa, who received a _ pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.
- Mother terisa, who received a _ pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of _ india 87 years old.
第一个听力的答案: Mother terisa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta, India. She was 87 years old.
received a (连读)
第二个听力: 1)
Q:_ what time do you _? A: I am five oclock.
Q:Sorry, what time do you have? A: I am five oclock.
- 多种口音的声音,比如:英美澳印等。
- 不同词性和时态下,不同的发音和重音位置变化,比如:
在名词下表简历,发音 /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/,而动词表继续之前暂停的事情,发音 /rɪˈzuːm/,如果你发错了声音,则会导致对方解读错误。 - 单词的多重含义,比如:
等完全联想不到的意思。 - 同义词及其对比、反义词等,因为你的回复可能需要否决或者加强观点,这些词可以帮助你更好更精准的表达。比如:
等,要怎么用。 - 语料相关的俚语、文化、衍生词等。比如:
这个单词本意是草丛之类的意思,但是你可以搜下 Google 图片,形容词 clumped 还算正常,但名词搜出来完全变成了一种奇怪的生物。因为这个单词正好是两个热门美国人物名字合起来的发音,所以老美虚构了一个人出来调侃。因此如果看到 twitter 上有这个单词,要多考虑下是不是在调侃政治人物。 - 相关的常见固定搭配和用法。比如:
focus on
和pay attention to
区别以及介词的不同。 - 名词的单复数形态和动词的各种时态变形及其发音规则。比如:
Jerry, what time do you have?
I have 5 o'clock.
first: There are three times, _ ...
second: There are three things _ for the peoples, _, _ and the _ .
third: There are three things then never to discuss for the peoples, _, _ and the _ .
There are three things i have learned never to discuss with people; religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin!
religion: 宗教
politics: 政治
pumpkin: 🎃(南瓜)
emphsized: 强调
mosquito: 蚊子
D4: first: I've let somebody tell you, you can't do some.
second: I've let somebody tell you, you can't do some.
third: Don't let somebody tell you, you can't do some.
D4: Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
三个重音:S, N, L
三个弱音:t, d, th
something读的快的时候,thing会缩略成n, 读成some(n)
first: I have some here to true _, _ and the _, _.
second: I have come here to true both _ , and the both _.
third: I have come here to true both _ and _ cakes, and the both _.
音标要刷到熟练、准确为止 【音标是语音识别的最小识别单位,用于建立最基础的语音语料库】
D5: I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
bubblegum: 泡泡糖
chew: 嚼
and I'm 会被连读为 anm
out of 会被连读为 outta
first: _ see out of live, and _
second: The secruity of life, _ ...
third: The security of life, it just at every moment.
D6: The secret of life is just to live every moment!
这里的to读 t'
first: Another _ _ has come _ _
second: Another _ _ has the bank _ _.
third: Another roll has _ the bank, billion.
D7: Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.
rogue: 流氓
amateur: 业余
piercings: 穿孔
first: Getlman _ has _ percings, in his _ _.
second: Getlman _ has the most percings, in his face 54.
second: Getlman _ has the most percings, she has got 54.
D8: German, Rolf Buchholz is the man with the most piercings, he's got 453!
hundred -> hu-nerd
first: _, 20 years ago, but no body know _ _
second: _ ..., but no body know what _ with him.
third: _ 2o years ago ..., but no body know what another bring with him.
D9: A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago, is about to fall to Earth, but no body knows where the debris will hit.
satellite: 卫星
debris: 碎片
first: It is a lucky day, probble imposiable go.
second: It is a lovef day, probble imposiable go.
D10: It's a lofty, probably impossible goal!
lofty: 崇高的
first: _ ... go to school, in a day night double wednesday.
second: _ ... go to school, in a day night double headers, wednesday.
third: _ ... go for school , in a day night double headers, wednesday.
foutrh: _ swim ... go for school , in a day night double headers, wednesday.
D11: New Your swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4 - 2 scores in a day-night doubleheader wednesday.
doubleheader: 两场比赛在同一天。
muppets: 布偶
first: _ ... Jam Hanson is warnning meble missibi.
second: Jam Hanson ceate the muppets for _ _, is warnning the mible missibi.
third: Jam Hanson ceate the muppets for _ _, is warnning the mible missibi.
D12: Jim Henson, creator of The muppets - from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street - is born in Greenville mississippi!
frog: 青蛙
Kermit: 科米特
Sesame Street: 一个电视节目
first: _ of mosquitos, ... all of cross in United States.
second: (Ation) tiger of mosquitos, ... all of cross in United States.
third: (Ation) tiger of mosquitos, ... pass few years _ _ all of cross in United States.
fourth: (Ation) tiger of mosquitos is name of the _ ... pass few years _ _ all of cross in United States.
D14: Aisan tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, but in the past few years. they've spread all across the southeastern United States.
tropics: 热带
Southeast Asia: 东南亚
D15: first: Cats are _, and kind of them ... in New York city.
second: Cats are pretty ..., and kind of them ... here in New York city.
third: Cats are repeated it have 9 _, and he clearly ... , one of them here in New York city.
听写笔记的方法和演示,以 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U7411a7xG 为例,仅参考:
- 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
- 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来
Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.
反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.
- 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。
第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.
- Teresa:人名,死记硬背
- Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
- Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背