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168 lines (137 loc) · 4.52 KB

Template and Cheat Sheet for the 5-Minute-Demo with TypeScript


  1. Make sure ngrok and the server aren't running
  2. Reset this repository
    git stash
    git fetch origin
    git checkout main
    git reset --hard origin/master
  3. Prepare the .env (based on test.env) file with the account secrets
  4. Make sure the promo code is valid
  5. Open the Twilio Console

Demo Flow

  1. Buy a new number via the Twilio Console

    Alternative: Use the CLI

    twilio phone-numbers:buy:mobile --country-code US
    # twilio phone-numbers:buy:mobile --country-code DE --address-sid ADhash --bundle-sid BUhash 
  2. Start the server with yarn dev and talk about the /hello endpoint .env.

  3. Encourage everyone to turn on their ringer.

  4. Expose process.env.SECRET via request

  5. Add a second endpoint in the src/server.ts

    .all("/sms", async (_, reply) => {
         Hello,\nhave fun with this promo code "${process.env.PROMO}"\nGreetings from Munich 🦁

    This won't work out-of-the-box. You also need to be able to add a body parser for content-type: application/json.

    yarn add @fastify/formbody@6
    import FastifyBodyParser from "@fastify/formbody";

    If needed, you can test this request with:

    ### Test post to sms endpoint
    POST http://localhost:3000/sms HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
  6. Start ngrok and there the webhook in the console.

    ngrok http 3000
    # or
    ngrok http -subdomain=<domain> 3000
  7. Install Twilio client (and use factory to build TwiML)

    yarn add twilio
  8. Create a new file makeCalls.ts

     import { Twilio, twiml } from "twilio";
     const MY_NUMBER = "4915735981024";
     (async () => {
     const client = new Twilio(
         process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID || "",
         process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN || ""
     const messages = await client.messages.list({
         to: MY_NUMBER,
     messages.forEach((message) => {
     const callTwiMl = new twiml.VoiceResponse();
     callTwiMl.say(`Yay, It worked. Let's cut to the chase.
     Tabs, 2 spaces, or 4 spaces - What do you prefer?
     Hit 1 for tabs, 2 for 2 spaces and 4  for 4 spaces.
     Press # to confirm`);
         numDigits: 1,
         actionOnEmptyResult: false,
         action: "https://<subdomain>",
     new Set( => message.from)).forEach((sender) => {
             twiml: callTwiMl.toString(),
             to: sender,
             from: MY_NUMBER,
         .then((call) => {
             console.log(`Started call ${call.sid}`);

    Add the corresponding implementation in server.ts.

    .all("/gatherAction", async (request, reply) => {
        const options = [
            "Vote for 'Tabs'",
            "Vote for 'Two Spaces'",
            "Vote for 'Four Spaces'",
        // @ts-ignore
        const digit = +request.body.Digits;
        const confirm = new twiml.VoiceResponse();
        confirm.say("Thank you and goodbye.");

    Then, start the calls

    npx ts-node -r dotenv/config src/makeCalls.ts

    If needed, test this endpoint

    ### Test the "gatherAction" endpoint
    POST http://localhost:3000/gatherAction HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
     "Digits": "2"

