General knowledge
- Source the terminal
(surce /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash)
source interbotics_ws/devel/setup.bash
Don't worry if you still don't see the topics after running
rostopic list
. Untill you don'troslaunch
some packages you won't see them. Alos, don't worry aboutroscore
, it will automaticaly run when youroslaunch
. -
Play arround with the pakages at your disposal, get to kn ow them. Check this comand out:
roscd → to see where a package is
androspack list
github → interbotix_ros_manipulators → interbotix_ros_xsarms → interbotix_ros_xsarms_control → config → wx250s.yaml ⇒ config file to see joint order, names, sleep_position, groups (such as arm), etc…
First comands
To have model loaded and play arround in RViz (play with model):
- Use description package:
roslaunch interbotix_xsarm_description xsarm_descriptions.launch robot_model:=wx250s use_joint_pub_gui:=true
- note for better rviz visuals: RobotModel → alpha → set transparency to 0.5
- note for better rviz visuals: TF → Frames → show/not show axes in joint
- Use description package:
To talk to the robot and move it in real world:
- Use controll package:
roslaunch interbotix_xsarm_control xsarm_control.launch robot_model:=wx250s
- In the playground box, write wx250s under Robot Namespace (light becae green). Now you are connected to real robot
- Important paramenters: use_sim → to simulate the robot moovments. It will be usefull later, when we will code and mouve the robot to test our code before breaking the robot!!!!!!!!
rostopic list
Now you can see interesting topics. Such
(pub to a group of joint),/wx250s/commands/joint_single
(pub to one joint),/wx250s/commands/joint_trajectory
(pub joint trajectory message).-
Publish to
:- Home position:
rostopic pub -1 /wx250s/comands/joint_group interbotix_ws_sdk/JointGroupComand “name: ‘arm’ cmd: [0,0,0,0,0,0]”
- where
name: ‘arm’
is the arm_group (everithing eccept the gripper - where
cmd: [0,0,0,0,0,0]
are joint angles (→ rect position (home))
- Sleep position:
rostopic pub -1 /wx250s/comands/joint_group interbotix_ws_sdk/JointGroupComand “name: ‘arm’ cmd: [<set_of_positions>]”
- to find the
<set of positions>
go to github → interbotix_ros_manipulators → interbotix_ros_xsarms → interbotix_ros_xsarms_control → config → wx250s.yaml ⇒ config file to see joint order, names, sleep_position, groups (such asarm
), etc…
- Home position:
rosservice list
Now you can see interesting services. Such
(see infos about robot)and/wx250s/torque_enable
(to enable or desable torque).rosservice call /wx250s/get_robot_info "cmd_type: 'group' name: 'arm'"
- where
cmd_type: 'group'
says u want informations from a certain group of motors - where
name: 'arm'
says the group of motors u want to get infos ⇒ see mode, profile_type (velocity vs time), joint infos & joint limits, etc…
- where
rosservice call /wx250s/torque_enable "cmd_type: 'group' name: 'arm' enable: false"
- when
enable: false
, the robot collapse. So hold it before running the comand - Usefull because you can turn off the torque, manualy move the robot in the desire position and turn on torque again (
enable: true
). At this point you canrostopic echo wx250s/joint_states
to see informations about current desired position.
- when
- Use controll package:
Still not working... comming soon