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Merge pull request #161 from ICAMS/main
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srmnitc authored Oct 31, 2024


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2 parents a7c3171 + 29fd253 commit 20d4cf9
Showing 12 changed files with 239 additions and 43 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .bumpversion.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
current_version = 1.3.10
current_version = 1.3.12
commit = True
tag = True

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from calphy.alchemy import Alchemy
from calphy.routines import MeltingTemp

__version__ = "1.3.10"
__version__ = "1.3.12"

def addtest(a,b):
return a+b
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
from import read, write
import shutil

__version__ = "1.3.10"
__version__ = "1.3.12"

def _check_equal(val):
if not (val[0]==val[1]==val[2]):
103 changes: 68 additions & 35 deletions calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@

h = const.physical_constants["Planck constant in eV/Hz"][0]
hJ = const.physical_constants["Planck constant"][0]
hbar = h/(2*np.pi)
kb = const.physical_constants["Boltzmann constant in eV/K"][0]
kbJ = const.physical_constants["Boltzmann constant"][0]
Na = const.physical_constants["Avogadro constant"][0]
eV2J = const.eV

J2eV = 6.242E18

@@ -469,64 +470,96 @@ def get_einstein_crystal_fe(
Get the free energy of einstein crystal
temp : temperature, float
units - K
natoms : int
no of atoms in the system
mass : float
units - g/mol
calc : Calculation object
contains all input parameters
a : lattice constant, float
units - Angstrom
vol : float
converged volume per atom
k : spring constant, float
units - eV/Angstrom^2
cm_correction : bool, optional, default - True
add the centre of mass correction to free energy
return_contributions: bool, optional, default - True
If True, return individual contributions to the reference free energy.
fe : float
free energy of Einstein crystal
F_tot : float
total free energy of reference crystal
F_e : float
Free energy of Einstein crystal without centre of mass correction. Only if `return_contributions` is True.
F_cm : float
centre of mass correction. Only if `return_contributions` is True.
The equations for free energy of Einstein crystal and centre of mass correction are from
#convert mass first for single particle in kg
mass = np.array([calc._element_dict[x]['mass'] for x in calc.element])
mass = (mass/Na)*1E-3
natoms = np.sum([calc._element_dict[x]['count'] for x in calc.element])
concentration = np.array([calc._element_dict[x]['composition'] for x in calc.element])
temp = calc._temperature

#convert k from ev/A2 to J/m2
k = np.array(k)*(eV2J/1E-20)
omega = np.sqrt(k/mass)
natoms = np.sum([calc._element_dict[x]['count'] for x in calc.element])

#convert a to m3
vol = vol*1E-30

F_harm = 0
F_cm = 0
#whats the beta
beta = (1/(kbJ*temp))

for count, om in enumerate(omega):
if concentration[count] > 0:
F_harm += concentration[count]*np.log((hbar*om)/(kb*calc._temperature))
if cm_correction:
F_cm += np.log((natoms*concentration[count]/vol)*(2*np.pi*kbJ*calc._temperature/(natoms*concentration[count]*k[count]))**1.5)
#F_cm = 0
F_harm = 3*kb*calc._temperature*F_harm
F_cm = (kb*calc._temperature/natoms)*F_cm

F_harm = F_harm + F_cm
#create an array of mass
mass = []
for x in calc.element:
for count in range(calc._element_dict[x]['count']):
mass = np.array(mass)

#convert mass to kg
mass = (mass/Na)*1E-3

return F_harm
#create an array of k as well
karr = []
for c, x in enumerate(calc.element):
for count in range(calc._element_dict[x]['count']):
k = np.array(karr)
#convert k from ev/A2 to J/m2
k = k*(eV2J/1E-20)

#fe of Einstein crystal
Z_e = ((beta**2*k*hJ**2)/(4*np.pi**2*mass))**1.5
F_e = np.log(Z_e)
F_e = kb*temp*np.sum(F_e)/natoms #*J2eV #convert back to eV

#now get the cm correction
if cm_correction:
mass_sum = np.sum(mass)
mu = mass/mass_sum
mu2_over_k = mu**2/k
mu2_over_k_sum = np.sum(mu2_over_k)
prefactor = vol
F_cm = np.log(prefactor*(beta/(2*np.pi*mu2_over_k_sum))**1.5)
F_cm = kb*temp*F_cm/natoms #convert to eV
F_cm = 0

F_tot = F_e - F_cm
if return_contributions:
return F_e, -F_cm
return F_tot

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ def __init__(self, calculation=None, simfolder=None, log_to_screen=False):

self.ferr = 0
self.fref = 0
self.feinstein = 0
self.fcm = 0
self.fideal = 0

self.w = 0
@@ -682,6 +684,8 @@ def submit_report(self, extra_dict=None):
report["results"]["free_energy"] = float(self.fe)
report["results"]["error"] = float(self.ferr)
report["results"]["reference_system"] = float(self.fref)
report["results"]["einstein_crystal"] = float(self.feinstein)
report["results"]["com_correction"] = float(self.fcm)
report["results"]["work"] = float(self.w)
report["results"]["pv"] = float(self.pv)
report["results"]["unit"] = "eV/atom"
83 changes: 82 additions & 1 deletion calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings

def read_report(folder):
@@ -145,4 +147,83 @@ def gather_results(mainfolder):
datadict['error_code'][-1] = _extract_error(errfile)

df = pd.DataFrame(data=datadict)
return df
return df

def find_transition_temperature(folder1, folder2, fit_order=4, plot=True):
Find transition temperature where free energy of two phases are equal.
folder1: string
directory with temperature scale calculation
folder2: string
directory with temperature scale calculation
fit_order: int, optional
default 4. Order for polynomial fit of temperature vs free energy
plot: bool, optional
default True. Plot the results.
file1 = os.path.join(folder1, 'temperature_sweep.dat')
file2 = os.path.join(folder2, 'temperature_sweep.dat')
if not os.path.exists(file1):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'{file1} does not exist')
if not os.path.exists(file2):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'{file2} does not exist')

t1, f1 = np.loadtxt(file1, unpack=True, usecols=(0,1))
t2, f2 = np.loadtxt(file2, unpack=True, usecols=(0,1))

#do some fitting to determine temps
t1min = np.min(t1)
t2min = np.min(t2)
t1max = np.max(t1)
t2max = np.max(t2)

tmin = np.min([t1min, t2min])
tmax = np.max([t1max, t2max])

#warn about extrapolation
if not t1min == t2min:
warnings.warn(f'free energy is being extrapolated!')
if not t1max == t2max:
warnings.warn(f'free energy is being extrapolated!')

#now fit
f1fit = np.polyfit(t1, f1, fit_order)
f2fit = np.polyfit(t2, f2, fit_order)

#reevaluate over the new range
fit_t = np.arange(tmin, tmax+1, 1)
fit_f1 = np.polyval(f1fit, fit_t)
fit_f2 = np.polyval(f2fit, fit_t)

#now evaluate the intersection temp
arg = np.argsort(np.abs(fit_f1-fit_f2))[0]
transition_temp = fit_t[arg]

#warn if the temperature is shady
if np.abs(transition_temp-tmin) < 1E-3:
warnings.warn('It is likely there is no intersection of free energies')
elif np.abs(transition_temp-tmax) < 1E-3:
warnings.warn('It is likely there is no intersection of free energies')

if plot:
c1lo = '#ef9a9a'
c1hi = '#b71c1c'
c2lo = '#90caf9'
c2hi = '#0d47a1'

plt.plot(fit_t, fit_f1, color=c1lo, label=f'{folder1} fit')
plt.plot(fit_t, fit_f2, color=c2lo, label=f'{folder2} fit')
plt.plot(t1, f1, color=c1hi, label=folder1, ls='dashed')
plt.plot(t2, f2, color=c2hi, label=folder2, ls='dashed')
plt.axvline(transition_temp, ls='dashed', c='#37474f')
plt.ylabel('Free energy (eV/atom)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
return transition_temp
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions calphy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -516,17 +516,20 @@ def thermodynamic_integration(self):
Calculates the final work, energy dissipation and free energy by
matching with Einstein crystal
f1 = get_einstein_crystal_fe(
fe, fcm = get_einstein_crystal_fe(

w, q, qerr = find_w(self.simfolder,

self.fref = f1
self.fref = fe + fcm
self.feinstein = fe
self.fcm = fcm
self.w = w
self.ferr = qerr

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/source/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ publication <
Using calphy <running_calphy/running_calphy>
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -546,6 +546,59 @@ folder_prefix: set1

Prefix string to be added to folder names for calculation. Folders for calculations in calphy are named as `mode-lattice-temperature-pressure`. Therefore, if more than one calculation is run with the same parameters, they will be overwritten. To prevent this, `folder_prefix` can be used. If `folder_prefix` is provided, the folders will be named as `folder_prefix-mode-lattice-temperature-pressure`.


#### `script_mode`

_type_: bool \
_default_: False \
script_mode: False

If True, a LAMMPS executable script is written and executed instead of the library interface of LAMMPS.
Works only with `reference_phase: solid`, and `mode: fe`.
Needs specification of [`lammps_executable`](lammps_executable) and [`mpi_executable`](mpi_executable).


#### `lammps_executable`

_type_: string \
_default_: None \
lammps_executable: lmp_mpi

LAMMPS executable to run the calculations with.
Works only with `reference_phase: solid`, and `mode: fe`.
Works only if [`script_mode`](script_mode) is `True`.


#### `mpi_executable`

_type_: string \
_default_: None \
mpi_executable: mpiexec

MPI executable to run the LAMMPS with.
Works only with `reference_phase: solid`, and `mode: fe`.
Works only if [`script_mode`](script_mode) is `True`.


5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/prologue/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ We acknowledge the following people for their contribution to calphy:

- Abril Azócar Guzmán for the design of calphy logo

- Marvin Poul for numerous fixes, improvements, and for the help in fixing centre of mass corrections for multiple species

- Sebastian Havens for the singularity recipe

The development of this module was started at the [Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced
Materials Simulation](, at the [Ruhr
University Bochum](, Germany. Current development is carried out at the [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH](
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Research using `calphy`

The following research works employed `calphy`:

| Year | Material system | Calculation | Interatomic Potential | Publication |
|------ |----------------- |--------------------- |----------------------- |------------- |
| 2024 | MgAl, MgCa, AlCa | phase diagram | MTP | [Poul et. al.]( |
| 2024 | Mo, Si, Mo$_3$Si, Mo$_5$Si$_3$, MoSi$_2$ | melting temperature | ACE | [Lenchuk et. al.]( |
| 2024 | AlLi | phase diagram | EAM, HDNNP, ACE | [Menon et. al.]( |
| 2024 | CuZr | phase diagram | ACE | [Leimeroth et. al.]( |
| 2024 | SiO | phase diagram | ACE | [Erhard et. al.]( |
| 2023 | Mg | phase diagram | ACE | [Ibrahim et. al.]( |
| 2022 | ZnO | free energies | ML | [Goniakowski et. al.]( |
| 2019 | Ti, Si | phase diagram | EAM, SW | [Menon et. al.]( |

Missing works? Reach out to [us](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
packages=find_packages(include=['calphy', 'calphy.*']),
'console_scripts': [

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