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Samantha Chan edited this page Apr 6, 2016 · 9 revisions

Toolkit Versions

Proposal is being discussed in issue #5

It is the toolkit's committers team's decision on how to version and maintain their toolkits. It is highly recommended that a toolkit project follow the semantic versioning guidelines. Following this guideline is a requirement for a project to graduate from incubation.

In IBMStreams Toolkit Version Guideline:

  • 2 releases with different code should not have the same version number.
  • A toolkit version contains 3 digits. Changes to each of the digits represent what are changed in the toolkit. The assumption we make here is that user will specify dependencies like this in their applications: [1.0.0, 2.0.0) - i.e. from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 (exclusive)
    1. If the toolkit only contains minor fixes, bump the 3rd digit.
    2. If the toolkit contains significant new functions, but it will continue to be compatible with previous version, bumb the 2nd digit
    3. If the toolkit contains incompatible changes, bump the first digit.
  • Each toolkit repository should document their versioning strategy or simply refer to the wiki if they decide to follow this guideline.