As an alternative, you can execute the following manual installation instructions:
Run the following command to create the cluster:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd data-prep-kit
kind create cluster --name dataprep --config ${REPOROOT}/scripts/k8s-setup/kind-cluster-config.yaml
Note that by default this will create a kind cluster with 2 worker nodes. If you would like a different amount of node, modify cluster configuration
Install Kubeflow Pipelines and wait for it to be ready:
# Set required KFP version. You can reference to the latest supported version in the [requirements.env](./requirements.env) file.
# Currently, we support 1.8.5 for KFPv1 and 2.2.0 for KFP v2
cd $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/tools/ && ./ deploy && cd -
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --all pod -n kubeflow --timeout=300s
Install Kuberay:
cd $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/tools/ && KUBERAY_APISERVER=1.1.0 KUBERAY_OPERATOR=1.0.0 ./ deploy && cd -
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --all pod -n kuberay --timeout=300s
To access the API server and Kubeflow pipeline UI externally, we make use NGINX ingress.
Install Ingress NGNIX for KFP, RAY and MinIO and wait for it to be ready:
${REPOROOT}/scripts/k8s-setup/tools/ deploy
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \
To deploy the ingress for Ray API Server, KFP and MinIO execute the following:
kubectl apply -f $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/ray_api_server_ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/kfp_ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/minio_ingress.yaml
Open the Kubeflow Pipelines UI at http://localhost:8080/
You can work with a real S3 storage, but for testing you can use the Mino server which is deployed as part of the KFP installation. You can access the Minio dashboard at http://localhost:8090/
The MinIO service, deployed as a part of KFP, uses a username (minio
) as an access_key/password (minio123
as the secret key.
A secret needs to be created for accessing MinIO using the following command:
kubectl apply -f $REPOROOT/scripts/k8s-setup/s3_secret.yaml
Populating Minio server with test data can be done using mc
. Use the following command:
This file creates an mc alias, creates the test bucket and copies the local test data into MinIO. If you need
to load additional data, please load it using additional mc
commands, similar to the ones being
used by