description |
Description of the 'printf' function in HyperDbg Scripts |
printf( Format, Expressions [...] );
A printf-like format string.
[Expression] [...]
MASM-like expression(s) to evaluate, you can choose multiple expressions based on the format string.
Evaluates and prints a printf-like format string with MASM expression(s).
{% hint style="danger" %} All the format specifiers should be in a lower-case format. {% endhint %}
Specifier | Description |
%d | Decimal signed integer |
%i | Decimal signed integer |
%u | Decimal unsigned integer |
%o | Octal integer |
%x | Hex integer |
%c | Character (char) |
%p | Pointer (void *) |
%s | String |
%ws | Wide-String |
%ls | Wide-String |
Specifier | Description |
%ld | Long decimal signed integer |
%li | Long decimal signed integer |
%lu | Long decimal unsigned integer |
%lo | Long octal integer |
%lx | Long hex integer |
Specifier | Description |
%lld | Long long (64-bit) decimal signed integer |
%lli | Long long (64-bit) decimal signed integer |
%llu | Long long (64-bit) decimal unsigned integer |
%llo | Long long (64-bit) octal integer |
%llx | Long long (64-bit) hex integer |
Specifier | Description |
%hd | Short decimal signed integer |
%hi | Short decimal signed integer |
%hu | Short decimal unsigned integer |
%ho | Short octal integer |
%hx | Short hex integer |
printf("Result is %s", @rcx);
Print data as an ASCII string pointed by rcx register.
print("The value is %llx and the string is : %ws "dq(@rcx), poi(rax));
Print and evaluate the above expressions. Note that %ws is a wide-string pointed by rax register. Also, the value of rcx register is also dereferenced and showed in quad-hex format.
{% hint style="success" %} You can see more examples here. {% endhint %}
You should consider avoiding "unsafe" behavior in your expressions and strings.