description |
Description of the 'event_inject_error_code' function in HyperDbg Scripts |
event_inject_error_code( InterruptionType, Vector, ErrorCode);
[ Expression (InterruptionType)]
Type of the target interrupt/exception/fault (see the Remarks section for more information). Can be selected from the following table:
Interruption Type | Description |
0 | External interrupt |
1 | Reserved |
2 | Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) |
3 | Hardware exception (e.g,. #PF) |
4 | Software interrupt (INT n) |
5 | Privileged software exception (INT1) |
6 | Software exception (INT3 or INTO) |
7 | Other event |
[ Expression (Vector)]
The vector number (interrupt IDT vector number) of the target interrupt/exception/fault. Can be selected from the following table:
Name | Vector nr. | Type | Mnemonic | Error code? |
Divide-by-zero Error | 0 (0x0) | Fault | #DE | No |
Debug | 1 (0x1) | Fault/Trap | #DB | No |
Non-maskable Interrupt | 2 (0x2) | Interrupt | - | No |
Breakpoint | 3 (0x3) | Trap | #BP | No |
Overflow | 4 (0x4) | Trap | #OF | No |
Bound Range Exceeded | 5 (0x5) | Fault | #BR | No |
Invalid Opcode | 6 (0x6) | Fault | #UD | No |
Device Not Available | 7 (0x7) | Fault | #NM | No |
Double Fault | 8 (0x8) | Abort | #DF | Yes (Zero) |
Coprocessor Segment Overrun | 9 (0x9) | Fault | - | No |
Invalid TSS | 10 (0xA) | Fault | #TS | Yes |
Segment Not Present | 11 (0xB) | Fault | #NP | Yes |
Stack-Segment Fault | 12 (0xC) | Fault | #SS | Yes |
General Protection Fault | 13 (0xD) | Fault | #GP | Yes |
Page Fault | 14 (0xE) | Fault | #PF | Yes |
Reserved | 15 (0xF) | - | - | No |
x87 Floating-Point Exception | 16 (0x10) | Fault | #MF | No |
Alignment Check | 17 (0x11) | Fault | #AC | Yes |
Machine Check | 18 (0x12) | Abort | #MC | No |
SIMD Floating-Point Exception | 19 (0x13) | Fault | #XM/#XF | No |
Virtualization Exception | 20 (0x14) | Fault | #VE | No |
Reserved | 21-29 (0x15-0x1D) | - | - | No |
Security Exception | 30 (0x1E) | - | #SX | Yes |
Reserved | 31 (0x1F) | - | - | No |
Triple Fault | - | - | - | No |
FPU Error Interrupt | IRQ 13 | Interrupt | #FERR | No |
[ Expression (ErrorCode)]
The target error code number of the interrupt/exception/fault.
Injects an interrupt/exception/fault with an error code which will be delivered once you continue the debuggee.
event_inject_error_code(3, e, 2);
Injects a page-fault (Hardware Exception = 3 and Vector equal to Page-fault = 0xe, and Error code equal to Write Access = 2) to the target debuggee.
This function will set the error code. If the target interrupt/exception/fault doesn't need an error code (see the table above), you should use the event_inject.
The interruption type determines the details of how the injection is performed. In general, you should use the type hardware exception for all exceptions other than the following:
- breakpoint exceptions (#BP; a VMM should use the type software exception);
- overflow exceptions (#OF a VMM should use the use type software exception); and
- those debug exceptions (#DB) that are generated by INT1 (a VMM should use the use type privileged software exception).
- The type of other event is used for the injection of events that are not delivered through the IDT.
Starting from v0.6, this function was added to the HyperDbg debugger.