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File metadata and controls

153 lines (119 loc) · 15.2 KB

ADB workspace with external hive metastore

Credits to [email protected] and [email protected] for notebook logic for database initialization steps. This architecture will be deployed:

Get Started:

On your local machine, inside this folder of adb-external-hive-metastore:

  1. Clone the tf_azure_deployment repository to local.

  2. Supply with your terraform.tfvars file to overwrite default values accordingly. See inputs section below on optional/required variables.

  3. For step 2, variables for db_username and db_password, you can also use your environment variables: terraform will automatically look for environment variables with name format TF_VAR_xxxxx.

    export TF_VAR_db_username=yoursqlserveradminuser

    export TF_VAR_db_password=yoursqlserveradminpassword

  4. Init terraform and apply to deploy resources:

    terraform init

    terraform apply

Step 4 automatically completes 99% steps. The last 1% step is to manually trigger the deployed job to run once.

Go to databricks workspace - Job - run the auto-deployed job only once; this is to initialize the database with metastore schema.

alt text

Then you can verify in a notebook:

alt text

We can also check inside the sql db (metastore), we've successfully linked up cluster to external hive metastore and registered the table here:

alt text

Now you can config all other clusters to use this external metastore, using the same spark conf and env variables of cold start cluster.

Notes: Migrate from your existing managed metastore to external metastore

Refer to tutorial:

dbs = spark.catalog.listDatabases()
for db in dbs:
    f = open("your_file_name_{}.ddl".format(, "w")
    tables = spark.catalog.listTables(
    for t in tables:
        DDL = spark.sql("SHOW CREATE TABLE {}.{}".format(,

Module creates:

  • Resource group with random prefix
  • Tags, including Owner, which is taken from az account show --query user
  • VNet with public and private subnet
  • Databricks workspace
  • External Hive Metastore for ADB workspace
  • Private endpoint connection to external metastore


Name Version
azurerm =2.83.0
databricks 0.3.10


Name Version
azurerm 2.83.0
databricks 0.3.10
external 2.1.0
random 3.1.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_databricks_workspace.this resource
azurerm_key_vault.akv1 resource
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.example resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.hivepwd resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.hiveurl resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.hiveuser resource
azurerm_mssql_database.sqlmetastore resource
azurerm_mssql_server.metastoreserver resource
azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy.mssqlpolicy resource
azurerm_mssql_virtual_network_rule.sqlservervnetrule resource
azurerm_network_security_group.this resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.dnsmetastore resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.metastorednszonevnetlink resource
azurerm_private_endpoint.sqlserverpe resource
azurerm_resource_group.this resource
azurerm_storage_account.sqlserversa resource
azurerm_subnet.plsubnet resource
azurerm_subnet.private resource
azurerm_subnet.public resource
azurerm_subnet.sqlsubnet resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.private resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.public resource
azurerm_virtual_network.sqlvnet resource
azurerm_virtual_network.this resource
databricks_cluster.coldstart resource
databricks_global_init_script.metastoreinit resource
databricks_job.metastoresetup resource
databricks_notebook.ddl resource
databricks_secret_scope.kv resource
random_string.naming resource
azurerm_client_config.current data source data source
databricks_node_type.smallest data source
databricks_spark_version.latest_lts data source data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cold_start if true, will spin up a cluster to download hive jars to dbfs bool true no
db_password Database administrator password string n/a yes
db_username Database administrator username string n/a yes
dbfs_prefix n/a string "dbfs" no
no_public_ip n/a bool true no
private_subnet_endpoints n/a list [] no
rglocation n/a string "southeastasia" no
spokecidr n/a string "" no
sqlvnetcidr n/a string "" no
workspace_prefix n/a string "adb" no


Name Description
arm_client_id n/a
arm_subscription_id n/a
arm_tenant_id n/a
azure_region n/a
databricks_azure_workspace_resource_id n/a
resource_group n/a
workspace_url n/a