- Table of Contents
- ParseNBT.js object format
- Class: NBT
- new NBT(buf[, option])
- instance
- static
- NBT.create([isProxy]) ⇒
- NBT.isNBT() ⇒
- NBT.keys(obj) ⇒
- NBT.assign(target, ...source) ⇒
- NBT.equal(a, b) ⇒
- NBT.Reader(buf[, option]) ⇒
- NBT.ReadSerial(buf[, option]) ⇒
- NBT.Writer(obj[, option]) ⇒
ParseNBT.js' output uses a special data structure for keys of the object.
For example:
"comp>": {
"i32>count": 100,
"list>pos": [ "i32", 0, 0, 0 ],
"i64>ticks": { "low": 114514, "high": 1919810 }
In the object, keys are separated into two parts with character >
In the left-hand-side is the tag type, and the right-hand-side is the tag name. Tag name can be an empty string like above.
The comparison table between the type string and the actual type is as follows:
Tag ID | Tag Type | Tag Type String |
0 | TAG_End | null |
1 | TAG_Byte | i8 |
2 | TAG_Short | i16 |
3 | TAG_Int | i32 |
4 | TAG_Long | i64 |
5 | TAG_Float | f32 |
6 | TAG_Double | f64 |
7 | TAG_Byte_Array | a8 |
8 | TAG_String | str |
9 | TAG_List | list |
10 | TAG_Compound | comp |
11 | TAG_Int_Array | a32 |
12 | TAG_Long_Array | a64 |
For TAG_Long, it'll be formatted into an object has two values named low
and high
which produces the high 32 bits and the low 32 bits separately.
BigInt also can be used in Tag_Long input when allowBigint is true.
Input bufferoption
Options- Returns:
Creates a reader.
The reader will treat the input as a concatenated root label sequence, which means there are multiple independent NBTs connected together.
Everytime <NBT.read()>
is called, the reader will read a single NBT, until the end of file or no valid NBT root tag.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js")
, fs = require("fs");
function toArrayBuffer(buf) {
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length)
, view = new Uint8Array(ab);
return ab;
var reader = new NBT(
littleEndian: true
- Returns:
Returns an iterator for NBT root tag sequence included in the input.
- Returns:
Get input buffer.
- Returns:
Get offset.
- Returns:
Detect whether reached the end.
Returns null when read to the end.
See new NBT(buf, option).
A symbol to get the original object of a proxied NBT object.
Only for debug use. Do not directly modify the original object.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var empty = NBT.createProxy();
empty["str>foo"] = "";
empty.foo = "bar_";
// {
// "str>foo": "bar_"
// }
Create a new empty NBT object.
The proxied NBT object can be accessed as normal JS Object with .
operator. And when initial a property with existing key and different type, the type will be overrided to the new one.
No proxy example:
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var empty = NBT.create();
// true
console.log(NBT.isNBT({ "comp>":{ } }))
// false
With proxy example:
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var empty = NBT.create(true);
// Initialize type of the key
empty["i8>foo"] = 0;
// 0
empty.foo = 90;
// 90
// Type override
empty["str>foo"] = "bar";
// undefined
Besides, the input data will be converted to the type corresponding to the key value. Integers will be clamped to the valid range.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var empty = NBT.create(true);
// Initialize type of the key
empty["i8>foo"] = 0;
// 0
empty.foo = 114514;
// 255
- Returns:
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a value is a object created by NBT.create().
See NBT.create().
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
// true
console.log({"comp":{ }});
// false
Returns the names with valid type-value pair of an NBT object.
Input object.- Returns:
The target object to copy to....source
The source object from which to copy properties.- Returns:
Copy the values of all of the NBT properties from one or more source objects to a target object.
Returns the target object.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var r = NBT.create()
, s = NBT.create()
, t;
r["str>awa"] = "qwq";
r["i8>k"] = 42;
s["i16>awa"] = 1145;
t = NBT.assign(r, s);
// {
// "i8>k": 42,
// "i16>awa": 1145
// }
Recursively detect whether objects are compvarely equal.
Input buffer.option
Read as little endian if true.asBigInt
Read i64 as BigInt if true.asTypedArray
Read array and list as TypedArray if true.asProxy
Create proxied NBT object. See NBT.createProxy()
- Returns:
Read NBT data in buffer.
If there are multiple root tags in the input, the reader will only deserialize the first one.
In addition, if configured as littieEndian, the reader will try to check the MCBE level.dat header.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js")
, fs = require("fs");
function toArrayBuffer(buf) {
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length)
, view = new Uint8Array(ab);
return ab;
var r = NBT.Reader(
littleEndian: true
Input buffer.option
Options.- Returns:
Read concatenated root label sequence, and put all of the vaild NBT objects in an array.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js")
, fs = require("fs");
function toArrayBuffer(buf) {
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length)
, view = new Uint8Array(ab);
return ab;
var r = NBT.ReadSerial(
littleEndian: true
Input object.option
Options.- Returns:
Serialize NBT object.
For the type of the payload of a List Tag, the Writer will firstly check its .type
property, and try to use it as payload type. Next, the prototype chain will be tested to determine whether the object is a typed array. Then, the Writer will check the first element of the list.
const NBT = require("parsenbt-js");
var r = NBT.create();
r["str>name"] = "minecraft:creeper";
console.log(NBT.Writer(r, { littleEndian: true }));