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Adding new data classes

Mats Sjöberg edited this page Nov 23, 2015 · 4 revisions

If you need a new data class, it should be implemented as a subclass of the existing ones. It is probably easiest to take a look at the current class structure, and the [implementation of the existing classes][data-data].

A few things need to be taken into account since we are using an SQL database backend and we are using hibernate as the persistence framework. These are mentioned briefly below.

Persistence annotations

You need to add some annotations to certain types of data object members.

  • Text strings which may contain arbitrarily long strings supplied by the user should be defined as "longtext". The default string definition may be limited to only 255 characters (depending a bit on the SQL database used. For example:
public String plainTextContent;
  • Simple self-defined objects can be embedded if they don't require their own table in the database, i.e. they are intrinsically part of the main object and should not be accessible on their own. For this use the @Embedded annotation. The class itself needs to be tagged as @Embeddable. For example:
public Location location;
  • Collections of simple (embeddable) objects need to be annotated with @ElementCollection. For example:
@ElementCollection(targetClass = String.class)
public Set<String> tags;
  • Unidirectional many-to-one relationships, e.g. an event may have a link to a single information element, but many events may point to the same information element. It is called unidirectional if the information is only stored in the "many" end using the @ManyToOne annotation. For example:
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "resource_id")
public InformationElement targettedResource;
  • Unidirectional one-to-many relationship. Use the @OneToMany annotations. E.g. a message may have many attachments:
@JoinColumn(name="message_id", referencedColumnName="id")
public List<InformationElement> attachments;

Update SQL schema

DiMe uses liquibase for managing the SQL database schema, i.e. the definition of the tables and columns in the database. Whenever you have changed or added a data class you need to update the schema so that the SQL database is synchronized with the Java classes. To do this you can simply run:

make updateSchema

This will update the liquibase schema file db.changelog-master.xml by adding the new modification to the end of the file. The entire file contains the full history of changes to the SQL database, so please do not remove any of the existing elements from there. To point of liquibase is that it keeps track of the version of each database installation and is able to upgrade it by comparing with the versioned modification steps found in the schema file.

As an example, let's say we add a foo string to the Event class:

public String foo;

After running make updateSchema these lines have been added to the end of the db.changelog-master.xml file (try git diff to see the change):

<changeSet author="mvsjober (generated)" id="1448288259620-1">
    <addColumn tableName="EVENT">
        <column name="FOO" type="VARCHAR(255)"/>

This XML change should be commited to the git repository together with the corresponding Java file change.

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