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Workload Automation Server


Workload Automation is a complete, modern solution for batch and real-time workload management. It enables organizations to gain complete visibility and control over attended or unattended workloads.

From a single point of control, it supports multiple platforms and provides advanced integration with enterprise applications including ERP, Business Analytics, File Transfer, Big Data, and Cloud applications. See Installing Automation Hub integrations for more information about integrating third-party plug-ins and integrations.

Docker adoption ensures standardization of your workload scheduling environment and provides an easy method to replicate environments quickly in development, build, test, and production environments, speeding up the time it takes to get from build to production significantly. Install your environment using Docker to improve scalability, portability, and efficiency.

Supported tags


Supported platforms

The supported operating systems are: Windows, Linux intel based 64-bit.

Accessing the container images

From the Entitled Registry

You can access the Server container image from the Entitled Registry:

  1. Access the entitled registry. Contact your HCL sales representative for the login details required to access the HCL Entitled Registry.

  2. Run the following command to login into the HCL Entitled Registry:

    docker login -u <your_username> -p <your_entitled_key>

The image is as follows:


From HCL Flexera

If you are accessing the images from HCL Flexera, use the following command to upload the image to your local Docker environment:

 docker load -i <tar_name>

where <tar_name> is the name of the .tar file containing the image.

Before you deploy HCL Workload Automation components on Linux on Z, see Deploying Docker compose on Linux on Z](

Getting Started

You can deploy the HCL Workload Automation containers using either Docker compose or Docker run. For both of these methods, ensure you download and install Docker.

Getting started with Docker compose

Download and install Docker compose. We recommend version 1.27 or later to take advantage of named volumes.

To start the container via Docker Compose, run the following command to clone the current repository:

git clone

If you do not have GitHub installed in your environment, download the ZIP file from the main page of the repository:

Click on "Code" and select "Download ZIP"

If you want customize the installation parameters, modify the docker-compose.yml file.

Accept the product licenses by setting the LICENSE parameter to "accept" in the wa.env file located in the container package as follows: LICENSE=accept

In the directory where the docker-compose.yml file has been located, you can start the containers by running the following command:

docker-compose up -d wa-server wa-db2

Once the command has been launched, be sure that the containers are started using the following command:

docker ps 

You can optionally check the container logs using the following commands:

docker-compose logs -f wa-server
docker-compose logs -f wa-db2

Getting Started with Docker run

The HCL Workload Automation container has the following prerequisites:

  • Create a DB instance and schema

    For example, use the following command to create a DB2 instance and schema:

    docker run --rm hcl-workload-automation-server:<version_number> cat /opt/wa/TWS/tws_tools/create_database.sql >create_database.sql

    Copy the "create_database.sql" file on the workstation where the DB2 has been installed, perform a login as administrator and run the following command:

    db2 -tvf create_database.sql 

To start the container from the command-line, launch the following command by adding the name of the image that has been loaded:

 docker run \
	-d -e PUBLIC_HOSTNAME=server_host_name \
	-e PUBLIC_PORT=server_port \
	-e WA_PASSWORD=wa_password \
	-e DB_TYPE=db_type \
	 -e LICENSE_SERVER_ID=licenseserverid \ 
	-e LICENSE_SERVER_URL=licenseserverurl \
	-e DB_HOSTNAME=db_hostname \
	-e DB_PORT=db port \
	-e DB_NAME=db_name \
	-e DB_USER=db_user \
	-e DB_PASSWORD=db_password \
	-e DB_ADMIN_USER=db_admin_user \
	-e DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=db_admin_password \
		-v workload-automation-server-data:/home/wauser \

Note: The name of the image has to be the same as the one you loaded on your local workstation when you launched the docker load command.

Installing with custom .PEM certificates

To use custom certificates, modify the volume <path_on_host_containing_certs>:/opt/wautils/certs with the path of the directory that contains your certificates at the place of <path_on_host_containing_certs>. In the defined folder, add the following certificates: - ca.crt - tls.key - tls.crt

Additional configuration

The following information applies to both deploying with Docker compose and Docker run.

Note: Internal ports are predefined and must not be changed. External ports can be customized.

If your server component uses a timezone different from the default timezone, then to avoid problems with the FINAL job stream, you must update MAKEPLAN within the DOCOMMAND, specifying the timezone parameter and value. For example, if you are using the America/Los Angeles timezone, then it must be specified as follows:

DOCOMMAND "TODAY_DATE=`${UNISONHOME}/bin/datecalc today pic YYYYMMDD`; ${UNISONHOME}/MakePlan -to `${UNISONHOME}/bin/datecalc ${TODAY_DATE}070
0 + 1 day + 2 hours pic MM/DD/YYYY^HHTT` timezone America/Los_Angeles"
DESCRIPTION "Added by composer."

Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configurable variables for the Server:

For example, specify the variable and its value as follows: LICENSE=ACCEPT

Variable Description Mandatory Example
LICENSE Use ACCEPT to agree to the license agreement yes notaccept
PUBLIC_PORT The public HTTPS port to reach the Server in this container. It must be the same one mapped in the internal HTTPS port. The default value is 31116 yes 31116
WA_PASSWORD The wauser password to connect to the Server (the same password used for the installation of the Server) yes
AGT_NAME The name to be assigned to the dynamic agent of the Server. The default value is WA_AGT no WA_AGT
DATE_FORMAT The date format defined in the plan. The default value is MM/DD/YYYY no MM/DD/YYYY
CREATE_PLAN If true, an automatic JnextPlan is executed at the same time of the container deployment. The default value is true no true
COMPANY_NAME The name of your Company. The default value is my-company no my-company
LANG The language of the container internal system. The supported language are: en (English), de (German), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), pt_BR (Portuguese (BR)), ru (Russian), zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese) yes en
PUBLIC_HOSTNAME The Hostname or IP address that the external dynamic agents contact to reach the Server yes
EVENTPROCESSOR_HOSTNAME The Hostname or IP address that the external dynamic agents contact to reach the event processor. no
TZ If used, it sets the TZ operating system environment variable no Europe/Rome
START_OF_DAY The start time of the plan processing day in 24 hour format: "hhmm" no 0000
TIMEZONE The timezone used for the start time of the plan processing day (it is used only if START_OF_DAY is defined) no Europe/Rome
SERVERHOSTNAME The hostname on which the server is contacted by internal dynamic agents yes wa-server
SERVERPORT The port on which the server is contacted by internal dynamic agents yes 31116
LICENSE_SERVER_URL URL of the license server which processes license usage information no
LICENSE_SERVER_ID ID of the license server which processes license usage information no
SSL_PASSWORD The password to open the private key (tls.key) Only if you use custom certificates in PEM format
  • DB variables

The following variables are valid only if you set a database different from Derby, such as DB2, Informix (IDS), MSSQL, OneDB, or Oracle.

Variable Description Mandatory Example
DB_TYPE The preferred remote database server type (e.g. DB2, ORACLE, MSSQL, IDS). The default value is DB2 yes DB2
DB_HOSTNAME The Hostname or the IP Address of the database server yes
DB_PORT The port of the database server. The default value is 50000 yes 50000
DB_NAME Depending on the database type, the name is different; enter the name of the Server's database for DB2/Informix/MSSQL/OneDB, enter the Oracle Service Name for Oracle. The default value is TWS yes TWS
DB_SERVER The name of the Informix or OneDB database server yes only for IDS or ONEDB IDS
DB_USER The database user who accesses the Server tables on the database server. The defualt value is db2inst1 yes db2inst1
DB_PASSWORD The password of the database user who accesses the Server tables on the database server yes
DB_ADMIN_USER The database user administrator who accesses the Server tables on the database server. The defualt value is db2inst1 yes db2inst1
DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password of the database user administrator who accesses the Server tables on the database server yes
DB_SSL_CONNECTION If true, SSL connection is used to connect to remote database server. Valid only for DB2 no true
DB_TS_NAME The name of the DATA table space. The defualt value is TWS_DATA no TWS_DATA
DB_TS_PATH The path of the DATA table space. The defualt value is TWS_DATA no TWS_DATA
DB_LOG_TS_NAME The name of the LOG table space. The defualt value is TWS_LOG no TWS_LOG
DB_LOG_TS_PATH The path of the LOG table space. The defualt value is TWS_LOG no TWS_LOG
DB_PLAN_TS_NAME The name of the PLAN table space. The defualt value is TWS_PLAN no TWS_PLAN
DB_PLAN_TS_PATH The path of the PLAN table space. The defualt value is TWS_PLAN no TWS_PLAN
DB_TEMP_TS_NAME The name of the TEMP table space. The defualt value is TEMP no TEMP
DB_SBSPACE The name of the SB table space. Valid only for IDS. By default, leave it empty no
DB_ENABLE_PARTITIONING_OPTION If true, the Oracle Partitioning feature is enabled. Valid only for Oracle, it is ignored by other databases. The default value is true no true
DB_SKIP_CHECK If you want to skip db check set true. Validy only for Oracle no true
  • Open telemetry variables
Variable Description Mandatory Example
otel_traces_exporter The trace exporter to be used no otlp
otel_exporter_otlp_endpoint A base endpoint URL for any signal type, with an optionally-specified port number. Helpful for when you’re sending more than one signal to the same endpoint and want one environment variable to control the endpoint no http://localhost:4317
otel_exporter_otlp_traces_endpoint Endpoint URL for trace data only, with an optionally-specified port number. Typically ends with v1/traces when using OTLP/HTTP no http://localhost:4317
otel_exporter_otlp_protocol Specifies the OTLP transport protocol to be used for all telemetry data no grpc
otel_exporter_otlp_traces_protocol Specifies the OTLP transport protocol to be used for trace data no grpc
otel_sdk_disabled Disables the SDK for all signals no true

Note: The Dynamic Agent component included in the Workload Automation Server container is deployed and configured with a gateway.

Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration

To enable SSO between console and server, LTPA tokens must be the same. The following procedure explains how to create LTPA tokens to be shared between server and console (this procedure must be run only once and not on both systems).

To create new LTPA token, launch the following command:

 docker run -i --rm -v <host_dir>:/output hcl-workload-automation-server:<version_number> /opt/wautils/ -p <keys_password>


  • <host_dir> is an existing folder on the local machine where docker runs
  • <keys_password> is LTPA keys password ( for further details, see the online documentation).

The "ltpa.keys" and "wa_ltpa.xml" files are created in the local folder <hostdir>.

The "ltpa.keys" file must be placed into the volume that stores customized SSL certificates (on both server and console charts).

In both server and console charts, useCustomizedCert property must be set on "true".

The "wa_ltpa.xml" file must be placed in the volume that stores all custom liberty configuration (on both server and console charts).

Report CLI

To run reports in batch mode, perform the following steps:

  1. Browse to /home/wauser/wadata/config/report
  2. Open the file in a flat-text editor.
  3. Edit the file inserting the information for your database. Instructions on editing the file are provided in the file itself.

The Report CLI is now ready for running. To start the Report CLI, browse to /opt/wa/report and run the following command: ./

Consider the following example:

./ -p reports/templates/ -r my_report -commonPropsFile /home/wauser/wadata/config/report

For more information, see:

Running batch reports from the command line interface

Installing Automation Hub integrations

You can extend Workload Automation with a number of out-of-the-box integrations, or plug-ins. Complete documentation for the integrations is available on Automation Hub. For information about the procedure to deploy the integrations, browse to the Info tab for the integration of your choice and scroll down to the Deploying an integration section.

You can also extend Workload Automation with custom plug-ins or integrations that you create. For information about creating a custom plug-in and deploying the plug-in see Workload Automation Lutist Development Kit on Automation Hub.

Metrics Monitoring

Workload Automation exposes a number of metrics to provide you with insight into the state, health, and performance of your environment and infrastructure. You can access the product APIs for monitoring and retrieving insightful metrics data. The metrics are exposed and can be visualized with tools for displaying application metrics such as, the open source tool Grafana. If you use Grafana, you can take advantage of the preconfigured dashboard that is available with the deployment of the Dynamic Workload Console and the server components. For more information about the metrics available, see Metrics monitoring documentation. In a Docker environment, by default, access to the metrics does not require authentication. However, if you want to specify a different user that can access the metrics securely using credentials, modify the prometheus.xml file that you will find automatically created in a Docker environment, adding the additional users.

Supported Docker versions

This image is officially supported on Docker version 19.xx.xx, or later.

Support for versions earlier than 19.xx.xx, is provided on a best-effort basis.

See the Docker installation documentation for details on how to upgrade your Docker daemon.


The owner of all product files is the wauser user, thus the product does not run as root, but as wauser only. Do not perform the login as root to start processes or run other commands such as Jnextplan, otherwise it might create some issues.

On amd64 and Linux on Z platforms.


If you switch the event processor and move it to a workstation different from the workstation where the dynamic domain manager resides, dynamic agents still point to the previous workstation and fail to contact the event processor.

To work around this problem, edit the file as follows:

on the master domain manager:


on the backup domain manager:



<wa_server_name> is the hostname of the master domain manager

<wa_server_bkm_name> is the hostname of the backup domain manager

This limitation applies to only to the stand-alone Docker environment.

Additional Information

For additional information about how to use HCL Workload Automation, see the online documentation. For technical issues, search for Workload Scheduler or Workload Automation on StackOverflow.


The Dockerfile and associated scripts are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. HCL Workload Automation is licensed under the HCL International Program License Agreement. This license for HCL Workload Automation can be found online. Note that this license does not permit further distribution.