To build the program on a debian-based Linux distribution, run:
sudo apt install haskell-platform libghc-attoparsec-dev
ghc off2js.hs
Then, to translate a mushroom OFF model, run:
./off2js -modelName Mushroom < > mush.js
To properly scale the triangle points within the [-0.5,0.5] unit cube, I applied a series of transformations to the points.
First, I moved the bounding box of the points to butt up against the first quadrant and the origin. I accomplished this by finding the minimum x, y, and z coordinates, then adding -1 times each minimum piecewise to each x, y, and z.
let min<Q> := minimum value of all points in the Q position shiftUp(x) = x - minX shiftUp(y) = y - minY shiftUp(z) = z - minZ
Then, I scaled all of the points to the range [0,0,0], [1,1,1] by finding the maximum of all of the points, and multiplying all of the points by said maximum.
let max := maximum value of all points (after previous step) scale(q) = q/max
Then, I shifted all of the points to the range [-.5,-.5,-.5], [.5,.5,.5] by subtracting .5 from all of the points.
shiftDown(q) = q - .5
After these transformations have been applied, all points should be in the proper range of the unit cube.
To build the Barycentric coordinates, I simply produced a list of the points [1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1] t times, where t is the number of triangles, or (number of points)/3